Monday, September 14, 2009

mardi le quinze septembre

'Les enfants n'ont ni passé ni avenir, et, ce qui ne nous arrive guère, ils jouissent du présent.'
Jean de LA BRUYÈRE, Les Caractères, De l'hommme, 51
'Children have neither a past nor a future and, hardly ever true of us, enjoy the present. '

Déjeuner: baked mac and cheese, bbq chicken sandwich, egg salad sub, chicken ranch salad

* Joyeux Anniversaire à mon fiancé <3>

7th grade:

- finish last few introductions if any.

- take quiz on Mademoiselle Battaglia - Bonne Chance!

-Grade quiz in will be rewarded for cleverness, or perhaps just plain ol' good luck!

-Create true/false quiz about yourself and hand in for Mademoiselle to take.

-Take 40 word French quiz/ Révisez

- Did you notice the "le and la" used with many of the words?

Demain: (tomorrow)

Notes on MASCULINE vs FEMININE vs PLURAL vs "STARTS WITH A VOWEL" French nouns. Eeeek!

8th grade: Continuez avec vos projets : BONJOUR, JE M'APPELLE...


1. 30 sentence composition

2. Three nameplates demonstrating who YOU are

3. Composition typed

4. Composition and nameplates mounted on colored paper

Sentence Starters:

Je m'appelle - My name is______________
Je suis = I am
J'ai - I have ex: J'ai un portable (I have a cellphone) et J'ai treize ans ( I HAVE 13 years...I'm 13 years old)
J'aime - I like
Je préfère - I prefer
Mon couleur préféré est...- My fav. color is
Je n'aime pas- I don't like
Je déteste - I hate
Je fais - I play/I do
J'aime faire - I like to play/do
J'aime manger - I like to eatJ'aime boire - I like to drink
Ma mère s'appelle- My mom's name is...
J'habite- I live

little words:
ou - or
et- and
très- very
beaucoup- a lot
aussi - also ( ex: J'aime manger la glace et les biscuits aussi.)


Anonymous said...

Hey Miss B!!!Congratulations!! I heard about your engagement and i just had to write.I'm so happy for you!!!! Oh,and I also wanted to thank you because your little songs help me alot!! My french teacher (who isnt as near as awesome as you) asked us the word for a poster and i remembered you saying something like " an affishe is a poster of a fish".And theres a Mlle Anana in our french class so im always reminded of you:) Again Congrats!!!!!

Love, Pee Pee Pants.

(Fresia just incase you forgot lol)

Anonymous said...

A, Ashley Mendez