Wednesday, October 28, 2009

jeudi le vingt-neuf octobre

How is Halloween celebrated in France?
Halloween in France is usually celebrated by costumed people of all ages going to parties at friends' homes, restaurants, bars, or clubs. The costumes themselves tend to be traditionally "scary" - mummies, ghosts, goblins, witches, and vampires - rather than the cute costumes like princesses, superheroes, and the cartoon character of the day which are popular in the US. Some recreation centers encourage kids to make their own costumes.Trick-or-treating is getting to be more common. It started out store-to-store, rather than house-to-house, but the latter is picking up. However, Halloween occurs during the mid-season school break, which slows it down a bit.Stores, malls, restaurants, offices, and homes decorate their windows; pastry and candy shops make up special desserts and candies; and many different kinds of companies use Halloween in their ads. Supermarkets sell pumpkins for jack-o'-lanterns and candy companies are now marketing candy in the traditional Halloween format: one big bag filled with lots of little packages, which may encourage trick-or-treating.The growing demand for jack-o'-lanterns during Halloween has been a boon for pumpkin growers. There is even a pumpkin patch at a farm outside of Paris where people can pick their own.Halloween in France is rather controversial, due to the perception of corporate and cultural influence, as well as the fact that it is not a typical French holiday and some people still don't understand what is being celebrated. Because Halloween is seen as an American celebration, some French people refuse to enjoy it, having decided to include it in their anti-American boycott. It's too early to tell whether Halloween will develop into a long-term tradition; once the novelty wears off, it may turn out to be just a fad. And yet, interestingly, the French have been celebrating the ideas at the very heart of Halloween (respect for the dead) for centuries. 31 October to 2 November have traditionally been spent, especially by older generations, visiting cemeteries, honoring saints, and attending religious services.

7th and 8th grade:

*LOTTO d'Halloween!!

*No cheating! Cards will be verified :)

Tomorrow I will be absent- based on last Friday's behavior and what we have talked about last week I am POSITIVE there will be NO trouble or bad reports AT ALL.

Lundi - 8th grade: QUESTION QUIZ

7th grade: QUIZ ON NUMBERS 11-20!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

mercredi le vingt-huit octobre

'Le travail éloigne de nous trois grands maux: l'ennui, le vice et le besoin.'
Work delivers us from three great evils: boredom, vice and want.
Question quiz: What country does the Fennec Fox call home?

8th grade:

* MAINTENANT: Take first 'little quiz' on the question words.
* Mark quizzes and put in book. 100, 86, 72, 58, 44, 30, 16, 0.
1. Pourquoi?
2. Où?
3. Comment?
4. Qui?
5. À quelle heure?
6. Quand?
7. Qu'est-ce que?

* étudiez pour quelsque minutes: Vocabulary beeeeeeeeeee. Especially pay attention to those
'question words...'
*Question words worksheet-avec un(e) ami(e.)

(lundi - révisez, mardi - computer lab flashcards.)

7th grade:

* Return quizzes...-little quiz on numbers 1-10
* Oh là là ...Les Nombres!!
* Quelsques vidéos.
* Comptez avec moi et M. Grenouille.
Crazy French teacher!
Toddler counts to 20!
Lion King 1-10!
Frog 10-20!
Really cute girl counts to 10!

* Vocabulary sheet/LOTTO card
* DEVOIRS: finish vocabulary sheet and LOTTO card.

QUIZ tomorrow on 11-20 (use the little frog to help you!)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

mardi le vingt-sept octobre

'Rien ne pèse tant que un secret.'
'Nothing weighs more than a secret.'
La Fontaine.

Question quiz: This French speaking country, located in North West Africa, has a 98.7 % Muslim population. Its capital is Rabat and is home to the adorable
Fennec fox: the smallest of all foxes, but it also has big eyes and huge ears.

a.) Algeria
b.) Tunisia
c.) Egypt
d.) Morocco

7th grade:

- Passez l'examen- Les ordres donnés en classe!

8th Grade:
-Faire Maintenant - Match the questions with the answers : Les Interrogatives!!!








-Révisez 'les devoirs' - sentences on board... from Friday.

DEVOIRS: ÉTUDIEZ: Tomorrow starts your 'little quiz' series. You will have a 7 question quiz first thing on the 'question' words. We will do this FIRST thing on a half sheet of paper, grade in class, put grade in book....and move along. GOAL: EVERYONE GETS A "100." I will give you the French question words, you must supply the English. The order will be mixed up, of course.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

mercredi le vingt-et-un octobre

'Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu'on a perdus.
'True paradise is the one that you have lost.'
Marcel Proust.

Question quiz: What was the fate of the 'collaborateurs??'

7th grade
-Do now: little sheet part A - keep for the next two days!
-Écoutez : 'La Marseillaise'
-Les ordres - Do exactly what I say, svp...

8th grade:
-Check devoirs : feuille de vocabulaire/textbook returned
-Do now: Re-write sentences into the negative telling me you do NOT want to do the following
things...AH BON?? AH BON...
-Fill in Lotto Card
-DVD: Unité 3- Regardez leurs vêtements! C'est amusant!

Monday, October 19, 2009

mardi le vingt octobre

(this photograph makes me feel funny, not in a good way...)

Le temps est un grand maître, dit-on, le malheur est qu'il tue ses élèves.
'We say that time is a great teacher. It's too bad that it also kills all its students.'

Question quiz: After France was liberated from the Germans in 1944, French women, known as 'collaborateurs', who had dated, flirted with, had any romantic interaction with the Nazis, were punished by French civilians how?

a.) being forced to wear a red 'C' on the back of their clothes at all times.
b.) being forced to walk around with no shoes at all times.
c.) having their heads shaved in public.
d.) having their backs whipped in public.

Grade 7
-Commencez les ordres donnés en classe
- Répetez! (AND DO WHAT I SAY!!!)


-Vocabulary Sheet/LOTTO Card.

8th grade
-In this chapter we will learn a lot of new grammar including: "ER" Verbies,
and the verb "Être" - to be. Get your grammar pants ready!
-Révisez le vocabulaire d'Unité 3. Nice and Loud! Chat about the chapter a bit...
-Vocabulary sheets - long but useful, do NOT lose them. Save forever in the almighty French folder, svp. (Tomorrow)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

jeudi le quinze octobre

'Toute méchanceté vient de faiblesse.'
Meanness comes from weakness.

Question quiz: World famous prehistoric cave paintings were discovered in this French town 1940:

a.) Lascaux
b.) Montparnasse
c.) Strasbourg
d.) Lyon

7th grade:

- Vocabulary Bee buzzzz
- Passez le papier (Pass the paper)
- Write vocabulary words 3x each!


8th Grade:
-Period 4- Raptor Assembly.
-Period 9- Passez l'examen!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

8th grade: how to access online flashcard review.

- Go to the link on the right that says 'Discovering French Nouveau I Un Online Text".
- Click the link and it should take you to a screen with a U.S. map.
- Click NY on the map and it will bring you to the main page.
- In the lower left hand corner there is an option for 'online review.' Click 'Flashcards.'
- Click Unité 2 (La Vie Courante) on the left hand side option menu for the correct series of flaschards.'
- Révisez!

Friday, October 9, 2009

mardi le treize octobre

'Quand on a le droit de se tromper impunément, on est toujours sûr de réussir.'
If you allowed to make mistakes, you are sure to succeed.
"Trip hop" is downtempo electronic music that grew out of England's hip hop and house scenes. It has also been described as "Europe's alternative of choice in the second half of the '90s", and a one-up fusion "of Hip-Hop, Pop, and Electronica, a mix of pop and electronic beats. Which of these French artist's music could be described as 'trip hop?'
a.) Johnny Halliday

b.) Vanessa Paradis

c.) Les Thugs

d.) Autour de Lucie
7th grade:
-Do now: label the classroom object sheet.
-Qu'est-ce que c'est dans la boîte?!?
Quiz: JEUDI!!!
8th grade:
- Reading and Culture Packet
- Computer Lab to practice online flashcard for....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

vendredi le neuf octobre

'Le plus grand faible des hommes, c'est l'amour qu'ils ont de la vie.'
Man's greatest weakness is his love of life.
Answers to question quiz about 'Cassis'??
7th grade:
-Do now: Part B of little sheet
-Check homework : Le livre bleu pages 16-21 B-D
-Révisez les devoirs
-Qu'est-ce que c'est dans la boîte?!?
-Est-ce qu'il y a une règle dans ton sac?!?! Is there a ruler in your baggggg????
-LOTTO (if time)
8th grade:
- Reading and Culture Packet
- Finish Word Relay/ practice for EXAMEN: MERCREDI!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

mercredi le sept octobre

(Jeanne d'Arc, also called the Maid of Orleans, a patron saint of France and a national heroine, led the resistance to the English invasion of France in the Hundred Years War.)
'Les rivières sont des chemins qui marchent, et qui portent où l'on veut aller.'
Rivers are moving paths that take you where you want to go.
Blaise PASCAL, Pensées I, 17
Question Quiz answers? Where did Joan of Arc perish?
7th grade:
-Révisez vos examens (parts A & C)
-Commencez Chapitre 2: Les Objets de la Salle de Classe/Les Ordres Donnés en
-Répetez le vocabulaire...
-Vocabulary Sheet.
-Qu'est-ce que c'est dans la boîte????
DEVOIRS: Fill in Vocab. Sheet/Lotto Card (if not finished)
8th grade:
- Ça fait combien/combien coûte do -now transparency?
- Check homework Leçon 3B packet- révisez (the difference between 'Tu' and 'Vous'
- Textbooks - Dialogue page 48, Notes Culturelles page 49
- Petit vidéo - les boissons et le café.
- Vocabulary Bee buzzzzzz

Monday, October 5, 2009

mardi le six octobre

(although Joan of Arc dictated her letters, 3 of the surviving manuscripts are signed by her)

'L'éducation consiste à nous donner des idées, et la bonne éducation à les mettre en proportion. '
Education consists of giving us ideas, and good education of putting them in perspective.
- Charles de Secondat, baron de MONTESQUIEU, Essai sur les causes qui peuvent affecter les esprits et les caractères, seconde partie


Question Quiz:


In which city did Joan of Arc die in 1431?


a. Orléans

b. Domrémy

c. Reims

d. Rouen


7th grade:


  • Word Relay - Finissez! (Who will be triumphant?!)

  • Prennez le quiz.

  • Ticket trade-in


5 - pen/pencil combination... postcard/pencil combination... necklace/pencil homework pass...5 points on next test or quiz coupon..or gum (once a month.)
15 - Laynard or bracelet
20 -Eiffel Tower keychain
25- Eiffel Tower pencil sharpener
30- French Foods mousepad


8th grade:


Do Now: Transparency multiple choice questions/list of things you would order:





  • Check LOTTO card/ chipies :)

EXAMEN - VENDREDI (Early warning.)

lundi le cinq octobre

'...chacun doit être l'aide-jardinier de sa propre âme...'
Joris-Karl HUYSMANS, En route, deuxième partie, chap. 13
'Everyone has to be the assistant gardener to his own soul.... '
Any question quiz answers??
7th grade:
  • Vocabulary Bee Buzzzzzzzzzzz...

  • Mix up rows.

  • Passez le Papier (remember the rules...)


8th grade:
-Warm-up transparency : Make a list of things you could order if you're hungry/

Review-Check homework- finish filling in things you couldn't find ( Vocabulary Sheet)

-Finish repeating Vocabulary from Unité 2.

-Watch DVD for Unité 2 (Please forgive their clothes...they know not how they dress <3)

DEVOIRS: Fill in LOTTO card using Vocabulary Sheet.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

vendredi le deux octobre

(photo by Dave Higgins!)
I'll be absent this afternoon so the lessons for today are amended...Behave yourselves! <3
(We'll do ticket trade-in Monday so it's fair for everyone, as I will give tickets for the correct response to Thursday's question quiz.)
7th grade: Trouver Nemo!
QUIZ: MARDI ( Quiz on Tuesday, early reminder!!)
8th grade: Leçons 4B and 4C packets.