Thursday, September 22, 2011

C'est VENDREDI, le vingt-trois séptembre

'Le plus grand faible des hommes, c'est l'amour qu'ils ont de la vie.'
Man's greatest weakness is his love of life.

7th grade:

- Little "Do Now"
- Let's see how much review we can do today!
-Vocabulary Bee Buzzzzzz....
-Attaquez les cochons! (What's a 'cochon??')
- Ticket Trade In.

DEVOIRS: Your homework for tonight is to "étudier!!" étudier means TO STUDY!!!
If you ever see "étudiez" in the homework space, you should know what it means :-)

8th grade:

  • Textbooks - Unité Un: mostly review...

  • Lisez 'notes culturelles' pages 23 et 27
    Discuss masculine vs feminine adjectives

  • ex: Noelle est americaine et Devon est americain.
    Une amie / Un ami 
    Une copine/Un copain
    Une dame / Un monsieur
    • Hand out Unité Un packet: Leçon 1B. SKIP activité B1
    Devoirs: Complétez les deux pages. (Both pages.)

    Wednesday, September 21, 2011

    C'est jeudi, le vingt-deux séptembre

    '...chacun doit être l'aide-jardinier de sa propre âme...'
    Joris-Karl HUYSMANS, En route, deuxième partie, chap. 13

    'Everyone has to be the assistant gardener to his own soul.... '

    Trivia question answers? - Which one is NOT a French dessert?

    7th grade:

    - Petit Quiz
    -Révisez les devoirs (Yellow Packet)
    -Vocabulary Bee Buzzzzzzzzzzz...
    - LOTTO pour quelsque minutes.

    8th Grade
    • Collect frenchbook Rubrics
    • Anyone left to speak?
    • Little quiz - Testing memory!
    • Textbooks - Unité Un: mostly review...
    • Lisez 'notes culturelles' pages 23 et 27
    • Discuss masculine vs feminine adjectives
    ex: Noelle est americaine et Devon est americain.
    Une amie / Un ami 
    Une copine/Un copain
    Une dame / Un monsieur
    • Hand out Unité Un packet: Leçon 1B. SKIP activité B1
    Devoirs: Complétez les deux pages. (Both pages.)

    Tuesday, September 20, 2011

    C'est mercredi, le vingt-et-un séptembre

    'La plus perdue de toutes les journées est celle où l'on n'a pas ri.'
    Sébastien Roch Nicolas, dit CHAMFORT, Maximes et pensées
    The most wasted of all days is the one during which you did not laugh.

    Trivia: Which one of the following is not a classic French dessert?
    a.)Chocolat mousse
    b.)Crème Brûlée
    c.)Apple Tarte Tatin

    7th grade:
    • Petit Quiz half/sheet of paper
    • Révisez
    • First Vocabulary Bee BUzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    • If time, a few minutes of LOTTO
    DEVOIRS: Photocopied Packet, exercises A, C, D, E, F

    8th grade:
    • Post frenchbooks on board
    • Get your comments out.
    • Write a quick few sentences about your frenchbook to present to the class. 8 sentences/facts.
    (Je m'appelle Janine. Ma date de naissance est le 26 aout. Je suis une femme. J'aime lire et écrire.  J'adore mon bébé et le tatouage. J'aime la musique de Neil Young et Band of Horses.
    J'aime les livres "The Bell Jar" et "The Catcher in the Rye." Je suis prof de français. )

    • Post them on board using a magnet (or tape.)
    • Leave 1 comment on 4 DIFFERENT people's pages.
    • Give me your RUBRICS with names on them.
    • Present to class. I swear, it will take 30 seconds. MAX.
    • You must provide ONE fact in ENGLISH about each person that presents :-)

    Monday, September 19, 2011

    C'est mardi, le vingt séptembre

     'C'est à cause que tout doit finir que tout est si beau.'
    It's because everything must end that everything is so beautiful.
    Charles-Ferdinand RAMUZ, Adieu à beaucoup de personnages (Les Cahiers vaudois)

    Trivia yesterday- Snail Farming??! (If you are interested in preparing some escargot!)

    7th grade:

    - Do now: part C of yesterday's sheet
    Tu parles français??
    Comment t'appelles-tu??
    Comment vas-tu? Comment ça-va?

    -Jouez au LOTTO- hopefully more winners/ let's make it a bit more challenging! Maybe a mix up of français et anglais?!
    - Demain- first Vocabulary Bee buzzzzzz...

    DEVOIRS: Study a little for a mini (5 question) quiz tomorrow!
    8th grade:
    • Finish final touches of project.
    • Create 4 possible comments to leave on people's pages.
    • Write a quick few sentences about your frenchbook to present to the class. 8 sentences/facts.
    (Je m'appelle Janine. Ma date de naissance est le 26 aout. Je suis une femme. J'aime lire et écrire.  J'adore mon bébé et le tatouage. J'aime la musique de Neil Young et Band of Horses.
    J'aime les livres "The Bell Jar" et "The Catcher in the Rye." Je suis prof de français. )

    • Post them on board using a magnet (or tape.)
    • Leave 1 comment on 4 DIFFERENT people's pages.

    Friday, September 16, 2011

    C'est lundi, le dix-neuf séptembre

    Les grandes pensées viennent du coeur.
    Luc de Clapiers, marquis de VAUVENARGUES, Réflexions
    Great thoughts come from the heart.

    Trivia: What is the process of farming or raising snails (escargots) called?

    7th grade:

    - Des questions:


    - Little 'do now' sheet. Hold on to it until 'mardi.'
    - LOTTO card - JOUEZ AU LOTTO. Chippie Rules.

    8th grade:


    Thursday, September 15, 2011

    C'est vendredi, le seize séptembre

    'On se donne en donnant. '
    One gives to oneself by giving.
    Marcel MAUSS, Essaie sur le don, deuxième partie, chap. 2, 3

    *Lavender, Roman ruins, The Riviera, Bouillabaise, and the Mistral are associated with the region of most favorite place on Earth.


    7th grade:
    - Trivia answers?? "Cuisses de Grenouille??"
    - L'Alphabet!
    - Finish Reciting vocabulary and phrases from Chapitre 1- Les Salutations et les Courtoisies
    - Practice some phrases:

    Tu parles français? Oui, je parle français!

    Tu parles russe? Non, je ne parle pas russe!

    -Give out Vocabulary Sheet and Lotto cards.

    -Explain how each is to be filled out -  Fill out in class.

    8th grade:

    - Continuez avec le projet.
    - DUE: lundi, le 19 séptembre. They must be ready to comment on by TUESDAY!!

    Wednesday, September 14, 2011

    C'est jeudi, le quinze séptembre

    "In the state of society in which we now find ourselves, it is difficult to imagine a nation which lived solely on bread and vegetables."Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826)

    The term 'Frog's legs' is 'cuisses de grenouille' in French. What part of the body does it literally refer to?

    7th grade:

    - Collect Vrai/Faux quizzes from Period 4 ONLY.
    - L'Alphabet!
    - Reciting vocabulary and phrases from Chapitre 1- Les Salutations et les Courtoisies
    - Practice some phrases:

    Tu parles français? Oui, je parle français!

    Tu parles russe? Non, je ne parle pas russe!

    -Give out Vocabulary Sheet and Lotto cards.

    -Explain how each is to be filled out -  Fill out in class.

    DEVOIRS: Finish Filling out LOTTO CARD.

    8th Grade:
    • Continuez avec vos Projets (
    • Hand out Rubrics, this way you know how much everything is worth!
    • Citations Francophones- French Quotations for your page <3
    • DUE : lundi, le dix-sept séptembre. Must be ready to be 'commented on.'
    DEVOIRS: CONTINUE TO GET PHOTOS, PICTURES, MAGAZINES, CUT OUTS. Work on roughdraft at home if not finished by TODAY!

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011

    C'est mercredi le quatorze séptembre

    (The above picture is my most favorite French breakfast/snack ever!!!)

    Une rêve est la moitié d'une réalité.

    Joseph JOUBERT, Pensées
    A dream is half of a reality.

    7th grade:

    - TRIVIA answers?
    - Collect Vrai/Faux Quizzes from Period 6, Give out to Period 4.
    - Take MADAME MANLEY QUIZ! Révisez!
    - Reciting vocabulary and phrases from Chapitre 1- Les Salutations et les Courtoisies
    - Practice some phrases:

    Tu parles français? Oui, je parle français!

    Tu parles russe? Non, je ne parle pas russe!

    -Give out Vocabulary Sheet and Lotto cards.-Explain how each is to be filled out - begin filling out in class.

    DEVOIRS: Finish Filling out Vocabulary Sheet (if we even get to that!)

    8th grade:
    - Give our describing sheets that may help you.
    - Give out main direction sheet and rubric!
    - Work on Rough Drafts of FrenchBook.


    Monday, September 12, 2011

    C'est mardi le treize séptembre

    J'avais vingt ans. Je ne laisserai personne dire que c'est le plus bel âge de la vie.
    I was 20 years old. I won't let anyone say that it's the most beautiful part of life.
    Paul NIZAN, Aden Arabic (Maspero), I

    Trivia: The ascoma (fruiting body) of truffles is highly prized as a food. Brillat-Savarin called the truffle "the diamond of the kitchen". Truffles are held in high esteem in French, northern Italian and Istrian cooking, as well as in international haute cuisine. Looking for truffles in open ground is almost always carried out by this specially trained animal, although more recently dogs have been preferred.

    7th grade
    - Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?

    - Trivia
    - Finish introductions

    - Comment t'appelles -tu?
    - Je m'appelle ______________________
    - Enchanté!

    DEVOIRS: Create True/False Quiz about YOU. (6th period ONLY.)
    8th grade:

    - Trivia
    - Yellow Sheets - as MUCH as you REMEMBER!
    - Begin 'FrenchBook' Project.
    - Do you remember??

    Start collecting photos/magazine cutouts/printed pictures to contsruct your FrenchBook.

    Friday, September 9, 2011

    C'est lundi le douze séptembre

    Le prix d'Amour, c'est seulement Amour.  Il faut aimer si l'on veut être aimé.

    Honoré d'URFÉ, La Sylvanire ou la Morte-vive, fable bocagère, acte I, scène I
    The price of Love, is simply Love.... One must love if one wants to be loved.

    Trivia Answers: On July 31st 2006 (now divorced ) Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock had a wedding ceremony on a yacht in which French town?

    7th grade
    -Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
    - A few more minutes for selecting names

    WHAT TO DO!!!

    1.Write selected FRENCH name on front of colored index card- underneath write what it means
    2.On back draw three things that represent you.
    3.Inside the card tell me why you chose French and anything else you'd like me to know.

    -Take out name cards and let's get to know each other...
    -Question and answer:

    - Comment t'appelles-tu?
    - Je m'appelle __________
    - Enchanté.

    Tell me about yourselves!!!
    8th grade

    -Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
    - Vocabulary Bee buzzzzzzz.....
    - Petit Quiz
    - Grade in Class
    - Quiz on meeeee- how much do you remember???! xoxo

    Tuesday, September 6, 2011

    c'est mercredi, le sept séptembre

    'Dis-moi qui t'admire et je te dirai qui tu es. '
    Charles Auguste SAINTE-BEUVE, Causeries du lundi, 20 avril 1850

    Tell me who admires you and I'll tell you who you are. '

    Yesterday: Comment dit-on 'sandwich' en français??
    7th grade:

    - Remember and find seats
    - Bonjour Madame Manley / Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
    - Finish reviewing Rules/Rewards!
    - Hand out Envelopes, 1st free ticket.
    - Did you check the web-site? Answer to trivia question and SECOND possible ticket.
    - Fill out 3x5 Card
    - Begin first assignment - selection of French names.

    WHAT TO DO!!!

    1.Write selected FRENCH name on front of colored index card- underneath write what it means
    2.On back draw three things that represent you.
    3.Inside the card tell me why you chose French and anything else you'd like me to know.

    DEVOIRS (Homework)

    *Signed Rules Sheet! Don't forget BINDER by FRIDAY.
    8th Grade:
    - Make sure everyone is in correct seat
    - Hand out envelopes for tickets
    - Check Homework - Signed Rules/Rewards sheets (tickets)
    - 3x5 information card.
    - Check the website? Trivia answers (tickets)
    -Select French names to use on all papers, same as last year or something different??
    - This little piggy went to the...Stab those bad boys!
    - Take Vrai/Faux quiz on Mademoiselle (5 minutes)
    - Review quiz as a class / rewards for cleverness



    Thursday, September 1, 2011

    C'est mardi le six séptembre 2011

    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
    The more things change, the more they stay the same.
    Alphonse KARR, Les Guêpes 1845

    Trivia: Comment dit-on (How do you say) "sandwich" in French?

    7th grade (French 1A) and 8th grade (French 1B)

    -Seating charts and seats assigned.
    -Blog overview and distribution of rules and rewards sheets.
    -Disussion of class and materials needed.

    8th grade:

    -discussion of course work and online textbook - distribute sheet regarding textbook and course work.

    * There will be a quiz VENDREDI, reviewing Greetings ( les glaces sur le tableau...)

    DEVOIRS (Homework):

    -Bring "Rules" sheet back signed by parent/guardian (for ticket.)
    -Remember seat for tomorrow.
    -Bring in necessary materials by Friday
    - Go to In the library, at home. Check out my may come in handy later!

    * 7th grade- 3 Ring Binder (Like I showed you, any color.)
    * 8th grade- SAME


    A few times a week I will post a French trivia question on the daily blog!

    If you would like to try and answer this question, using any resource you like, you must leave your answer in the form of a comment under the blog for the day the question is posted ONLY. In the comment, leave your NAME, PERIOD, and ANSWER. Only correct answers will be published. The answers will be reviewed and discussed the next day in class. You must post your answer by 9:00 PM at THE LATEST. Correct responders will receive a ticket.

    - GO to 'comments' at the bottom of the daily post.
    - Click the red link.
    - Leave your answer with details in the 'leave a comment' box.
    - Click ANONYMOUS (unless you have a user Name or URL )
    - Fill in the CAPTCHA (weird security letters.)
    - Click 'Publish Your Comment.'
    - Voilà!

    NEVER post anything inappropriate. Do not post complaints or concerns.
    If you have any questions, see me.

    I will reveal the 'winners' in class the following day.

    What you will need and Homework Policy 2011-2012

    What you will need:

    Level 1B ( Grade 7)

    3 RING BINDER- DEVOTED TO FRENCH ENTIRELY...A pen or pencil everyday.


    Textbook every day, no exceptions.

    * And ya know...the will to SUCCEED. 'Cause you WILL succeed (as far as I'm concerned.)

    French 1B (8th grade)

    3 Ring Binder devoted wityh your heart and soul to "la classe de Français!"

    Some "feuilles de papier" in case we need to "écrire."

    A pen or pencil everyday.

    THE WILL TO SUCCEED mes petits CHOUX! <3


    *You will see homework on the blog written as "LES DEVOIRS" when we have any.

    -Students completing homework in the time-frame asked will receive a grade of 100, as well as a 'ticket' reward.
    -Students have ONE day to bring in late/absent homework. They will receive a full grade of 100 if they bring it in within that time period. (They will not receive a 'ticket' as a reward for completing homework one day late.)
    -After the one day grace period, a grade of 'zero' will be entered in the assignment column.
    -A grade of 50 can also be issued for partially done/poorly completed homework.