Sunday, November 30, 2008

lundi le premier decembre! (Can you believe it??)

Le genie est une longue patience.
Genius is patience.

Trivia: On the eve of August 18th, 1572, Henri de Navarre III wed Marguerite de Valois - a night that also marked the beginning of the massacre of over 5000 Huguenots (Protestants) in a wave of Roman Catholic violence in France. This massacre is most famously called what?

7th grade:

Où habites - tu?

De quelle couleur est ta maison???

Il y a combien de pièces dans ta maison?

  • little baby sheet to keep for the next few days.

  • finish filling in Vocabulary sheet...

  • fill in LOTTO Card.


8th grade:

  • Petit quiz "er" verbie.... I sure hope you didn't forget!

  • Finish white board challenge...this time it is a competition.

  • Worksheet : "Conjugate your hearts out!" - If not finished it is HOMEWORK.

Demain: VERBIE RELAY to prepare for BIG 'ER' QUIZ MERCREDI!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

mardi le vingt cing novembre

'The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. '

~H.U. Westermayer

'Gratitude is the memory of the heart. '

~Jean Baptiste Massieu, translated from French

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.

~Thornton Wilder

I am very thankful that I am your teacher, that I get to see your faces everyday, that I have a job that is filled with so much love and laughter.

-Mademoiselle B

Déjeuner: Fresh pizza

7th and 8th grade:

- 8th grade- little verb quiz, first...
- LOTTO du JOUR DE GRACES (Thanksgiving!)

Friday, November 21, 2008

lundi le vingt quatre novembre

'Il faut que le monde soit clair. Si les coeurs étaient clairs, le monde serait clair.'
The world has to be clear. If hearts were clear, the world would be clear.
Jacques AUDIBERTI, Le Mal court, acte III

Trivia: The famous glass pyramid (La Grande Pyramide) at the entrance to the Louvre in Paris was designed by Chinese-American architect IM Pei and featured heavily in which movie based on the book by Dan Brown.

Vendredi: How long did the Hundred Years War last?

Déjeuner: Chicken Patty

7th grade:

OK LET's TRY LA MAISON AGAIN!!!! .........

Devoirs: Finish Vocabulary Sheet and Lotto Card.

8th grade:

  • Petit quiz
  • Vrai/Faux questions.
  • Révisez les devoirs : Traduisez 10 sur 15 phrases.
  • Whiteboard review avec les verbes.

Devoirs: Conjugate your hearts out! Little worksheet...

E, ES, E ....Oui Oui Oui ONS, EZ, ENT...Oui Oui.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

vendredi le vingt-et-un novembre

'Il y avait des graines terribles sur la planète du petit prince... c'étaient les graines de baobabs. Le sol de la planète en était infesté. Or un baobab, si l'on s'y prend trop tard, on ne peut jamais plus s'en débarasser. Il encombre toute la planète. Il la perfore de ses racines. Et si la planète est trop petite, et si les baobabs sont trop nombreux, ils la font éclater.'
There were terrible seeds on the little prince's planet... they were baobab seeds. The planet's soil was infested with them. Now, a baobab, if you set about it too late, you can never get rid of it. It takes up the whole planet. It pierces it with its roots. And if the planet is too small, and if there are too many baobabs, they will make it burst.

-Antoine de Saint Exupéry - Le Petit Prince

Trivia: The 100 Years' War was a series of conflicts between France and England that began in 1337 . It began with Edward III claiming to be not only King of England but King of France as well. It ended, without a treaty, with the English in possession only of the town of Calais. How long did the Hundred Years' War last???

Hier: Who was the author who mysteriously disappeared?
Déjeuner: Meatball Hero
7th grade:
  • See yesterday's blog for our start on "La Maison!"

8th grade:

  • Petit quiz: ER verbie! But which one??!?! Corrigez... 100,86,72,58,44,30,16,0
  • Petit vrai/faux activité
  • Completez quelques feuilles...
  • Traduisez 10 sur 15 phrases.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

jeudi le vingt novembre

'L'amour est à ceux qui y pensent.'
Love belongs to those who think about it.
Marcel ACHARD, Patate, épigraphe

Trivia today: At the age of 43, this famous French author's final air-force assignment was to collect intelligence on German troop movements in and around the Rhone Valley preceding the Allied invasion of Southern France. On the evening of July 31, 1944, he left from an airbase on Corsica and was never seen again. Who was this author?

Hier: Who was that fashion designer?
Déjeuner: Turkey Cubes!
8th grade:
  • 1st period (Review quiz)
  • Commencez "ER" Verbies. There is a pattern for them all!
  • Give out "ER" verbie worksheet. You are expected to memorize/know what they all mean.
  • Practiquez un peu.

7th grade:
-Commencez la maison (I think, at this point?)
- Repetez le vocabulaire.
- Fill in Vocab. sheet and LOTTO card.
Où habites -tu?
J'habite _______________
De quelle couleur est ta maison?
Ma maison est ____________!
Il y a combien de pièces dans ta maison?
Il y a ____________ pièces (dans ma maison.)

Devoirs: Fill in rest of Vocab. sheet/ LOTTO card.

Chanter - to sing

Je chante Nous chantons

Tu chantes Vous chantez

Il/Elle chante Ils/Elles chantent

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

mercredi le dix-neuf novembre

'Rien ne nous rend si grands qu'une grande douleur.'
Nothing makes us so great as a great sadness.
Alfred de MUSSET, Poésies nouvelles, La nuit de mai

I know I don't ever really put any of my thoughts into here but:

'Hey Joe - I'm just going to keep your picture up on here for awhile, if you don't mind.'

Goodbye. I want to put your student of the week picture on your chair there so I can look at it and you will be less missing. You were a heart in our little class of the lovliest kids. One of the biggest hearts. I got everyone to say your name in that "Italian" way. Even though your French name was Pierre.

I looked at your grades yesterday for a report card that hasn't even come out yet- and just like you told me on Friday- straight 'A's.'And then in the hall you stopped with your book bag on to make sure I was coming to hang out in Mr. Scheffel's class with you and everyone 9th period. I helped you draw the shamrocks on your folder at the beginning of the year .Your mom told me on Parent's Night how you were so happy you had chosen French. I told her I was so happy you had chosen it, too.

I've never been good at coping with these types of things. I usually can't think about them at all. When I am confronted with them I get choked up with the mis-understanding. Like:

'Excuse me, God, why? There must be some sort of misunderstanding? '

I mean, I don't have trouble understanding or taking in what has happened; that the person won't be there anymore or will not grow up to be a man and lament all the things I am lamenting now...although something tells me he would have been fine.

Anyway, I get all of this.The misunderstanding lies in the reasoning of it all, which i know philosphers and poets have agonized over for hundreds of years. Questions that will forever separate him and his family from many of us, like:Why do his parents have to be so sad? So empty? Lose half of their identity really- because he was an only child-and in reality, they are no longer parents. I'm sure I will see this again during my career. I marvel at the jobs who see this kind of tragedy every day and go on. Just carry on. God bless them , truly. Because I could never do it.

As for the rest I'll let John, Paul, George, and Ringo do the talking:

Trivia:Born in 1883, this pioneering French fashion designer was the only person in the field to ever be featured in Time Magazine's 100 most influential people of the 20th century.'

Hier: Which word is NOT slang for 'money' and what does that word mean?

Déjeuner: Fresh pizza

7th grade:

  • Commencez la maison (I think, at this point?)

  • Repetez le vocabulaire.

  • Fill in Vocab. sheet and LOTTO card.

Où habites -tu?

J'habite _______________

De quelle couleur est ta maison?

Ma maison est ____________!

Il y a combien de pièces dans ta maison?

Il y a ____________ pièces (dans ma maison.)

Devoirs: Fill in rest of Vocab. sheet/ LOTTO card.

8th grade:

  • Discuss negatives a bit...Do little sheet about how to make sentences negative!

  • Prennez le quiz : ÊTRE.

  • Révisez le quiz.

Demain : Commencez "ER" verbies! Eeeep.

Monday, November 17, 2008

mardi le dix-huit novembre

'A vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloire.'
To win without risk is a triumph without glory.

Trivia today: Which of the following are NOT used as a French slang (l'argot) word for 'money?

Le grisbi
Le fric
Le pognon
La nana
Déjeuner: Poulet Nuggets!

7th grade:
  • Étudiez quelques minutes pour le quiz de géographie.
  • Check any signed grade reports!
  • Révisez le quiz/ grades in book.
  • Demain: LA MAISON!!- and one of the French phrases you will never forget as long as you live!

8th grade

  • Check any unsigned grade reports? PERIOD 4- PLEASE PICK UP AFTER YOURSELVES!
  • little ÊTRE quiz 100, 83, 66, 49....
  • Check homework - put sentences on board.
  • White board review : ÊTRE!

DEVOIRS: Étudiez pour le quiz demain!

Je suis Nous sommes

Tu es Vous Êtes

Il/Elle est Ils/Elles sont

Friday, November 7, 2008

lundi le dix-sept novembre

'Du sublime au ridicule il n'y a qu'un pas.'
It's just one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.

French fact: In France, there are almost as many motorcycles, scooters, and mopeds as cars.
Déjeuner: Mozzarella sticks

7th grade:

  • Label the map: practiquez
  • Watch some of Northern France...


8th grade:

  • Petit quiz 'etre' : 100, 83, 66, 49, 32, 15, 0.
  • Révisez les feuilles avec 'le chipmunk.'
  • Traduisez dix phrases en français.



Il/Elle EST Ils/Elles SONT


Thursday, November 6, 2008

vendredi le sept novembre

'La vérité vaut bien qu'on passe quelques années sans la trouver.'
Truth is more valuable if it takes you a few years to find it.

(The above is a lesson I have learned, and learned well. Although, I am always discovering new truths all the time. It's part of growing up...)

French fact: In many French public toilets, there is sometimes no toilet seat, and you have to pay to get in!

Déjeuner: Les Tacos!
7th grade:
  • Révisez la carte encore...
  • Finissez la vidéo.


8th grade:

  • Gettysburg prevails... un film, peut-être? Oui, je pense que oui.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

jeudi le six novembre

'Pour vivre heureux, vivons caché.'
If you want to live happy, live hidden.

French fact: On 10 June 2007, a sabre having belonged to Napoleon I was sold at an auction for € 4.8 million - the most expensive weapon ever sold.

7th grade:

  • Were you nice for the sub? I'm sure you were :)

  • Révisez la carte! Your only quiz will be on this very map, just mixed up... Learn what the countries are in English.

  • Regardez la vidéo: Géographie La Sud de la France (The South of France.)

DEMAIN: Lisez quelques parties de la chapitre. Blech.

8th grade:

  • Well, since more than half of you are in GETTYSBURG!!!! I suppose we will have to see what we are doing...hmmm?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

mercredi le cinq novembre

"In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant. "
~Charles de Gaulle (président de la République 1959-1969)

Je suis absente aujourd' regrette, mes petits lapins. Soyez sage. Faites votre travail. (Be good, do your work... I will miss you.)

Monday, November 3, 2008

mardi le quatre novembre

'La parfaite valeur est de faire sans témoin ce qu'on serait capable de faire devant tout le monde.'
True valour is to do in secrecy what you could just have easily done before others.
La Rochefoucauld.
French Fact: They are 95 men for every 100 women in France!
No lunch today: half day! (periods 4,8, 9)

7th grade

-I won't be seeing my 7th graders at all today because of the schedule... Alors, À demain! Nous allons commencer la géographie!! ACK.
8th grade : Only periods 4 and 8
-Petit quiz sur ÊTRE! 100, 83, 66, 49, 32, 15, 0.
-Révisez les devoirs: le petit feuille avec le petit pingouin.
-Regardez un film un peu...
Je suis Nous sommes
Tu es Vous êtes
Il/Elle est Ils/Elles sont