Monday, December 17, 2012

In Glogster, how to:

- Create your "WALL"
- Create a "LINK"
- Record in "Audacity"
- Write 20 words about your friends/family

  • Ma mère - My mom
  • Mon père- My dad
  • Ma belle-mère- Stepmom
  • Mon beau-père- Stepdad
  • Mon frère- my brother
  • Ma Soeur- my sister
  • Mon cousin - my (boy) cousin
  • Ma cousine- my (girl) cousin
  • Mon ami- My (guy) friend
  • Mon amie- My (girl) friend...friend who's a girl
  • Mon père/frère/ami s'appelle __________- My dad/brother/friend/whatever's name is __________.

Ma mère s'appelle Elizabeth. Elle EST gentille, bavarde, et amusante. Mon ami s'appelle Max. Il EST grand, assez gros, et très sympa.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012



Monday, December 10, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pères Noels Secrets!

Secret Holiday Gal/Guy Guidelines!

  • Minimum of 3 gifts!
  • $ 10 dollar Maximum
  • For every gift, you must leave a clue as to who you (the Secret Santa) is...

 -If someone has figured out their Secret Santa , I may surprise that person by having the Santa switch.

-Good gift ideas are: $5 gift cards, a giant candy bar, little toys, keychains, stuffed animals, lip-gloss, books, perfume samples., laynards, cute flash drives, cute notebooks and folders, gel pens, a cool coffee/hot chocolate travel mug, magazines, picture frames, candles, hand sanitizer, potato chips, an ornament, cozy pair of socks, some AXE, ANYTHING French related... Other possibilities are foam footballs, jewelry, and even a 2-liter bottle of  soda!

Here are more ideas:

 -Make sure no one forgets to bring a gift. There is nothing worse than a kid not getting a gift while everyone else is showing off theirs :-( Try not to 're-gift' stuff from home that has been sitting in a closet for years lol.

-Don't ruin it! Nothing ruins Secret Santa than knowing your partner or your partner knowing it's you.

- If you forget or can't do it, let me know...I'll help you out :-)

- Anyone caught being hurtful, ungrateful, mean-spirited in general will be bounced right out of Winter Wonderland!

- Gift exchange begins on Monday, December 17th and can occur over any 3 days that whole week!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

C'est jeudi, le six décembre

'Il y avait des graines terribles sur la planète du petit prince... c'étaient les graines de baobabs. Le sol de la planète en était infesté. Or un baobab, si l'on s'y prend trop tard, on ne peut jamais plus s'en débarasser. Il encombre toute la planète. Il la perfore de ses racines. Et si la planète est trop petite, et si les baobabs sont trop nombreux, ils la font éclater.'

There were terrible seeds on the little prince's planet... they were baobab seeds. The planet's soil was infested with them. Now, a baobab, if you set about it too late, you can never get rid of it. It takes up the whole planet. It pierces it with its roots. And if the planet is too small, and if there are too many baobabs, they will make it burst.

-Antoine de Saint Exupéry - Le Petit Prince

Trivia: The 100 Years' War was a series of conflicts between France and England that began in 1337 . It began with Edward III claiming to be not only King of England but King of France as well. It ended, without a treaty, with the English in possession only of the town of Calais. How long did the Hundred Years' War last???

Hier: Who was the author who mysteriously disappeared?

7th grade:

  • Match the following:
1. ____ il est            a. beautiful
2. ____ elle est         b. great/awesome
3. ____ drôle            c. He is
4. ____ belle            d. fashionable
5. ____ charmant      e. funny
6. ____ branché        f. she is
7. ____ mignon        g. charming
8. ____ chouette       h. cute

  • Parlez- 5 minutes!!
8th grade:
  • More clocks, more sheets
  • Quelle heure est-il??? Let's try our hand at the little clocks again. Get it??? Our HAND?!
  • Le train pour Paris part à quelle heure??? Whiteboard activity.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

C'est mercredi, le cinq décembre

'L'amour est à ceux qui y pensent.'
Love belongs to those who think about it.
Marcel ACHARD, Patate, épigraphe

Trivia today: At the age of 43, this famous French author's final air-force assignment was to collect intelligence on German troop movements in and around the Rhone Valley preceding the Allied invasion of Southern France. On the evening of July 31, 1944, he left from an airbase on Corsica and was never seen again. Who was this author?


7th grade:


1. I am young and Japanese.

2. I am 12 years old.

3. She is pretty and quite dumb.

4. You are very ugly and annoying.

5. He is nice, handsome, and quite shy.

  • Comment es-tu??? Tell me something about YOU!!
  • Parlez pour 5 minutes avec les photographs !
8th grade:
  • Circle the correct times starter ( 6 minutes)
  • Go over sheet in packet and discuss how 'they' say AM and PM
Du Matin
De l'Après-midi
Du Soir
  • Fill in third page clocks
  • Baby Clock activity practice time :-)