Wednesday, December 22, 2010

C'est lundi le trois janvier, deux mille onze!

La bouche sourit mal quand les yeux sont en pleurs.
The mouth smiles poorly when the eyes are full of tears.
Évariste-Désiré de Forges, vicomte de PARNY, La Rechute

Trivia: This famous 10-story!!! department store is located at 40, boulevard Haussmann, in the IXeme arrondissement.
How many paintings did Van Gogh sell while he was alive?

7th grade:

  • Page 99 A: Listening Activity
  • QUE FAIS TU?? QUELLE EST TA PROFESSION? Super long profession list...
  • Que fait ta mère?? Que fait ton père??

DEVOIRS: Complete Professions Worksheet English- French

8th grade:

  • Commencez Unité 4
  • Les feuilles de vocabulaire.
  • DVD: Leçon 9.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

C'est mercredi le quinze décembre

I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.

Trivia: Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch post-impressionist, found his inspiration in the Provencal village of Arles. Between November 1891 and July 1890 he painted over 900 works. How many paintings did he sell in his lifetime?
Hier: The monk behind the champagne?
7th grade:
  • lil' matching quiz
  • Check 'les devoirs' - Le Livre Bleu, pp 99-100 B-E
  • Que fais- tu?? - Super Long Profession List! Circle a job you would love to have, and a job of a parent... Que fait ta mère??? Que fait ton père???

ELLE EST ____________

IL EST__________


8th grade:

  • Finish the Unit Test!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

C'est mardi le quatorze décembre

Tous les hommes sont égaux par la nature et devant la loi.
All men are equal by nature and by law.
Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen

Trivia: Contrary to popular belief, this Benedictine monk was not the first to invent champagne, but did develop some of the greatest advances in the production of the beverage, including holding the cork in place with a wire collar to withhold the pressure!)

Hier: What are those crepes called?

7th grade:

-Dans vos cahiers: write and translate the sentences
- Check Vocabulary Sheet and Lotto Card- Give out Super Long profession list
- Que fais -tu?/Quelle est ta profession? JE SUIS PROF.
-Que fait ta mere? Que fait ton pere? Ma mere est ________ Mon pere est ___________.



8th grade:

-Nous passons l'examen d'Unité 3!! Bon Courage!

lundi le treize décembre

En France, on étudie les hommes, en Allemagne, les livres.
In France, one studies men; in Germany, books.
Madame de STAËL, De l'Allemagne, chap. 13

Trivia: We could say that this is a teen disaster that became one of the most famous recipes in the history of fine French cuisine. However, the teen wasn’t working at a fast food but in the Café de Paris in Monte Carlo. Edward VII Prince of Wales was visiting that night when suddenly the waiter’s pan caught on fire with the liqueur and the crepes were flambéed. The young man found it so delicious that he served it to the Prince and it became a favorite. As a young woman was present, the waiter named it for her. What was her name?

7th grade:
  • What do you want to be one day?
  • Important question 'Que fais-tu? Let's pretend we're older otherwise the answer would always be: JE SUIS ÉLÈVE.
  • Que fait ta mère? Que fait ton père? Ma mère est professeur/ Mon père est facteur.
  • Répetez le vocabulaire.
  • Feuille de vocabulaire.

DEVOIRS: Vocabulary sheet / LOTTO CARD

8th grade:

  • Turning Point Technology Challenge!
  • 1 ticket PER PERSON for EVERY question responded over 85% correctly by class. In an ideal world, that is 25 tickets...


Thursday, December 9, 2010

C'est jeudi le neuf décembre

Le scandale est souvent pire que le péché.
The scandal is often worse than the sin.
MARGUERITE DE NAVARRE, Heptaméron, 25e nouvelle

Trivia: On 31 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales died as a result of injuries sustained in a car crash in which road tunnel located in Paris, France? The crash was a result of a high speed chase where the car holding the princess attempted to escape the paparazzi. As the casualties lay seriously injured or dead in their wrecked car, the photographers continued to take pictures. The critically injured Diana was reported to repeatedly murmur the words, "oh my God", and after the photographers were pushed away by emergency teams, the words "leave me alone".
Hier: Dring Dring, Allo?! The dialing code for France...
7th grade:
- Check LES DEVOIRS: Family Worksheet AND A-G in Blue Book.
- Attaquez les éléphants pour quelsque minutes...
- Quiz : La Famille!
8th grade:
- Check LES DEVOIRS: From yesterday (Conjugation worksheet??) AND Verbies 4X each!
- Prennez le grand quiz " ER verbies" xoxo

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

C'est mercredi le huit décembre

Ce qui manque aux orateurs en profundeur, ils vous le donnent en longueur.
Whatever a speaker is missing in depth he will compensate for in length.

Trivia: The international dialing code for the USA is +1. What is the code for France?

Hier: Why was the Eiffel Tower originally there?

7th grade:
  • Copy and translate the following!

1. Qui est-ce???

2. C'est mon parrain.

3. C'est mon fils.

4. C'est ma fille.

5. C'est ma cousine.

6. C'est ma petite-fille.

7. C'est ma marraine.

8. C'est mon neveu.

  • Comment s'appelle ton granpère??? Comment s'appelle ta grandmère???

  • Vocabulary Beee


DEVOIRS: Family Worksheet.

8th grade:
  • Last little quiz! Finish sheet from Whiteboard Challenge.

  • Check devoirs: Conjugation Worksheet...

  • Verbie Relay (I'm mixing you up!)

  • DEVOIRS: For the quiz, you will have to know the DEFINITIONS in English of all the verbs on your pink sheet. THEREFORE- you must write them 4 times each in French and 1 time in English.


EXAMEN: UNIT TEST, MARDI (TUESDAY, in case you shamefully don't remember your days of the week!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

C'est mardi le sept décembre

J'ai réinventé le passé pour voir la beauté de l'avenir.
I reinvented the past to see the beauty of the future.
Louis ARAGON, Le Fou d'Elsa

Trivia: The Eiffel Tower, designed by Gustav Eiffel, was made for a 1889 event and wasn’t all that popular with Parisiens at the time, even though it was then the tallest structure in the world. It was due to be torn in 1909, but it was saved as it made an ideal spot to put TV and radio antennas on top of. What was the event it was originally made for?

Hier: What is that strange museum?

8th grade:
  • Petit quiz "er" verbie.... I sure hope you didn't forget!

  • White board challenge...this time it is a competition.

  • Worksheet (Révisez) : "Conjugate your hearts out!" - Check les devoirs- 12 translated sentences.

Demain: VERBIE RELAY to prepare for BIG 'ER' QUIZ MERCREDI!!

7th grade:

- little sheet to keep for a couple o' days!

  • Comment s'appelle ta mère? Comment s'appelle ton père?

  • Family tree - How to talk about how people are related:

  • Get in pairs (or on your own, and write 20 sentences describing different ways our class family is related.)

    • Antonio est le grandpère de Faith. Antonio is the grandpa of Faith. (Antonio is Faith's grandpa.)

      Devoirs: Make sure LOTTO card and Vocab is done! COMPLETE Family Worksheet.