Wednesday, December 22, 2010

C'est lundi le trois janvier, deux mille onze!

La bouche sourit mal quand les yeux sont en pleurs.
The mouth smiles poorly when the eyes are full of tears.
Évariste-Désiré de Forges, vicomte de PARNY, La Rechute

Trivia: This famous 10-story!!! department store is located at 40, boulevard Haussmann, in the IXeme arrondissement.
How many paintings did Van Gogh sell while he was alive?

7th grade:

  • Page 99 A: Listening Activity
  • QUE FAIS TU?? QUELLE EST TA PROFESSION? Super long profession list...
  • Que fait ta mère?? Que fait ton père??

DEVOIRS: Complete Professions Worksheet English- French

8th grade:

  • Commencez Unité 4
  • Les feuilles de vocabulaire.
  • DVD: Leçon 9.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

C'est mercredi le quinze décembre

I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.

Trivia: Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch post-impressionist, found his inspiration in the Provencal village of Arles. Between November 1891 and July 1890 he painted over 900 works. How many paintings did he sell in his lifetime?
Hier: The monk behind the champagne?
7th grade:
  • lil' matching quiz
  • Check 'les devoirs' - Le Livre Bleu, pp 99-100 B-E
  • Que fais- tu?? - Super Long Profession List! Circle a job you would love to have, and a job of a parent... Que fait ta mère??? Que fait ton père???

ELLE EST ____________

IL EST__________


8th grade:

  • Finish the Unit Test!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

C'est mardi le quatorze décembre

Tous les hommes sont égaux par la nature et devant la loi.
All men are equal by nature and by law.
Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen

Trivia: Contrary to popular belief, this Benedictine monk was not the first to invent champagne, but did develop some of the greatest advances in the production of the beverage, including holding the cork in place with a wire collar to withhold the pressure!)

Hier: What are those crepes called?

7th grade:

-Dans vos cahiers: write and translate the sentences
- Check Vocabulary Sheet and Lotto Card- Give out Super Long profession list
- Que fais -tu?/Quelle est ta profession? JE SUIS PROF.
-Que fait ta mere? Que fait ton pere? Ma mere est ________ Mon pere est ___________.



8th grade:

-Nous passons l'examen d'Unité 3!! Bon Courage!

lundi le treize décembre

En France, on étudie les hommes, en Allemagne, les livres.
In France, one studies men; in Germany, books.
Madame de STAËL, De l'Allemagne, chap. 13

Trivia: We could say that this is a teen disaster that became one of the most famous recipes in the history of fine French cuisine. However, the teen wasn’t working at a fast food but in the Café de Paris in Monte Carlo. Edward VII Prince of Wales was visiting that night when suddenly the waiter’s pan caught on fire with the liqueur and the crepes were flambéed. The young man found it so delicious that he served it to the Prince and it became a favorite. As a young woman was present, the waiter named it for her. What was her name?

7th grade:
  • What do you want to be one day?
  • Important question 'Que fais-tu? Let's pretend we're older otherwise the answer would always be: JE SUIS ÉLÈVE.
  • Que fait ta mère? Que fait ton père? Ma mère est professeur/ Mon père est facteur.
  • Répetez le vocabulaire.
  • Feuille de vocabulaire.

DEVOIRS: Vocabulary sheet / LOTTO CARD

8th grade:

  • Turning Point Technology Challenge!
  • 1 ticket PER PERSON for EVERY question responded over 85% correctly by class. In an ideal world, that is 25 tickets...


Thursday, December 9, 2010

C'est jeudi le neuf décembre

Le scandale est souvent pire que le péché.
The scandal is often worse than the sin.
MARGUERITE DE NAVARRE, Heptaméron, 25e nouvelle

Trivia: On 31 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales died as a result of injuries sustained in a car crash in which road tunnel located in Paris, France? The crash was a result of a high speed chase where the car holding the princess attempted to escape the paparazzi. As the casualties lay seriously injured or dead in their wrecked car, the photographers continued to take pictures. The critically injured Diana was reported to repeatedly murmur the words, "oh my God", and after the photographers were pushed away by emergency teams, the words "leave me alone".
Hier: Dring Dring, Allo?! The dialing code for France...
7th grade:
- Check LES DEVOIRS: Family Worksheet AND A-G in Blue Book.
- Attaquez les éléphants pour quelsque minutes...
- Quiz : La Famille!
8th grade:
- Check LES DEVOIRS: From yesterday (Conjugation worksheet??) AND Verbies 4X each!
- Prennez le grand quiz " ER verbies" xoxo

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

C'est mercredi le huit décembre

Ce qui manque aux orateurs en profundeur, ils vous le donnent en longueur.
Whatever a speaker is missing in depth he will compensate for in length.

Trivia: The international dialing code for the USA is +1. What is the code for France?

Hier: Why was the Eiffel Tower originally there?

7th grade:
  • Copy and translate the following!

1. Qui est-ce???

2. C'est mon parrain.

3. C'est mon fils.

4. C'est ma fille.

5. C'est ma cousine.

6. C'est ma petite-fille.

7. C'est ma marraine.

8. C'est mon neveu.

  • Comment s'appelle ton granpère??? Comment s'appelle ta grandmère???

  • Vocabulary Beee


DEVOIRS: Family Worksheet.

8th grade:
  • Last little quiz! Finish sheet from Whiteboard Challenge.

  • Check devoirs: Conjugation Worksheet...

  • Verbie Relay (I'm mixing you up!)

  • DEVOIRS: For the quiz, you will have to know the DEFINITIONS in English of all the verbs on your pink sheet. THEREFORE- you must write them 4 times each in French and 1 time in English.


EXAMEN: UNIT TEST, MARDI (TUESDAY, in case you shamefully don't remember your days of the week!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

C'est mardi le sept décembre

J'ai réinventé le passé pour voir la beauté de l'avenir.
I reinvented the past to see the beauty of the future.
Louis ARAGON, Le Fou d'Elsa

Trivia: The Eiffel Tower, designed by Gustav Eiffel, was made for a 1889 event and wasn’t all that popular with Parisiens at the time, even though it was then the tallest structure in the world. It was due to be torn in 1909, but it was saved as it made an ideal spot to put TV and radio antennas on top of. What was the event it was originally made for?

Hier: What is that strange museum?

8th grade:
  • Petit quiz "er" verbie.... I sure hope you didn't forget!

  • White board challenge...this time it is a competition.

  • Worksheet (Révisez) : "Conjugate your hearts out!" - Check les devoirs- 12 translated sentences.

Demain: VERBIE RELAY to prepare for BIG 'ER' QUIZ MERCREDI!!

7th grade:

- little sheet to keep for a couple o' days!

  • Comment s'appelle ta mère? Comment s'appelle ton père?

  • Family tree - How to talk about how people are related:

  • Get in pairs (or on your own, and write 20 sentences describing different ways our class family is related.)

    • Antonio est le grandpère de Faith. Antonio is the grandpa of Faith. (Antonio is Faith's grandpa.)

      Devoirs: Make sure LOTTO card and Vocab is done! COMPLETE Family Worksheet.

      Tuesday, November 30, 2010

      lundi le six décembre

      Les hommes ne croient jamais les autres capables de ce qu'ils ne le sont pas eux-mêmes.
      People never believe others capable of doing that which they themselves are not capable of doing.
      De Gondi.

      Trivia: The Musée des Egouts de Paris is perhaps the French capital’s strangest attraction –it is a tour of what part of Paris' history?

      7th grade:
      • Comment s'appelle TA MÈRE???

      • Comment s'appelle TON PÈRE????

      • MA/TA! MON/TON!

      • Lisez le vocabulaire avec moi!

      • FAMILY TREE 'L' Arbre de famille :) '

      8th grade:

      Petit quiz: ER verbie! But which one??!?! Corrigez... 100,86,72,58,44,30,16,0

    • Lisez page 92 et 93 : Petit vrai/faux activité

    • Completez quelques feuilles...

    • Traduisez 10 sur 15 phrases.


        mardi le trente novembre

        ICK- Still sick. Excusez moi, je ne peux pas parler si fort.

        - Trivia answers from last week. The Dan Brown book?
        - Sub Report.
        - Go over quizzes.

        7th grade:

        - Vocabualry Sheet and LOTTO card/ La famille!

        8th grade:

        - Review quiz
        - Finish work you clearly did NOT finish yesterday.

        Monday, November 22, 2010

        lundi le trente novembre (Volume 2)

        Qui craint de souffrir, il souffre déjà de ce qu'il craint.
        He who fears suffering is already suffering that which he fears.
        La Fontaine.

        Trivia: This lady was not originally from France, but was a young archduchess from Austria. She became the wife of the king who ruled France at the time of outbreak of the French Revolution, but was often despised because of her extreme love of fashion and display of wealth. She was eventually convicted and sentenced to the guillotine on charges of treason.

        7th grade:


        • Commencez LA FAMILLE - Vocabulaire.

        • Our class family treeeeeeeeee.

        • Vocabulary Sheet.

        (Devoirs, if not finished in class.) - LOTTO CARD AND VOCABULARY SHEET

        8th grade:

        - Review Être quizzes.

        -Commencez "ER" Verbies. There is a pattern for them all! STEP BY STEP...oh babay!!
        -Give out "ER" verbie worksheet. You are expected to memorize/know what they all mean.

        -Practiquez un peu.

        Chanter - to sing
        Je chante Nous chantons
        Tu chantes Vous chantez
        Il/Elle chante Ils/Elles chantent

        Friday, November 19, 2010

        lundi le vingt-deux novembre

        'Il faut que le monde soit clair. Si les coeurs étaient clairs, le monde serait clair.'
        The world has to be clear. If hearts were clear, the world would be clear.
        Jacques AUDIBERTI, Le Mal court, acte III

        Trivia: The famous glass pyramid (La Grande Pyramide) at the entrance to the Louvre in Paris was designed by Chinese-American architect IM Pei and featured heavily in which movie based on the book by Dan Brown?

        7th grade:

        - Practice Test "La Maison."
        - Vocabulary Beeeee

        QUIZ: DEMAIN!

        8TH GRADE:

        -Petit quiz 'Être' : 100, 83, 66, 49, 32, 15, 0.
        - Finish Verbie Relay!
        - Sentence Worksheet. Use your vocabulary sheet as well as all you know about ÊTRE!


        Je SUIS Nous SOMMES

        Tu ES Vous ÊTES

        Il/Elle EST Ils/Elles SONT

        Thursday, November 18, 2010

        vendredi le dix-neuf novembre

        'La parfaite valeur est de faire sans témoin ce qu'on serait capable de faire devant tout le monde.'
        True valour is to do in secrecy what you could just have easily done before others.
        La Rochefoucauld.

        French Fact: They are 95 men for every 100 women in France!

        Trivia: How long did the Hundred Years War last?


        7th grade:

        - Petite Feuille C & D
        - Vocabulary Beeeeee
        - Word Relay!

        8th grade :

        -Petit quiz sur ÊTRE! 100, 83, 66, 49, 32, 15, 0.
        -Révisez une feuille avec Être.
        -Verbie Relay!
        GRAND Quiz : MARDI

        Je suis Nous sommes

        Tu es Vous êtes

        Il/Elle est Ils/Elles sont

        Wednesday, November 17, 2010

        jeudi le dix-huit novembre

        'Il y avait des graines terribles sur la planète du petit prince... c'étaient les graines de baobabs. Le sol de la planète en était infesté. Or un baobab, si l'on s'y prend trop tard, on ne peut jamais plus s'en débarasser. Il encombre toute la planète. Il la perfore de ses racines. Et si la planète est trop petite, et si les baobabs sont trop nombreux, ils la font éclater.'
        There were terrible seeds on the little prince's planet... they were baobab seeds. The planet's soil was infested with them. Now, a baobab, if you set about it too late, you can never get rid of it. It takes up the whole planet. It pierces it with its roots. And if the planet is too small, and if there are too many baobabs, they will make it burst.

        -Antoine de Saint Exupéry - Le Petit Prince

        Trivia: The 100 Years' War was a series of conflicts between France and England that began in 1337 . It began with Edward III claiming to be not only King of England but King of France as well. It ended, without a treaty, with the English in possession only of the town of Calais. How long did the Hundred Years' War last???

        Hier: Who was the author who mysteriously disappeared?

        7th grade:

        Traduisez les mots suivants en anglais:

        -LE PLACARD-
        -LA PISCINE-
        -LE CAVE-
        -LE SOUS-SOL-
        -LE LIT-
        -LE TAPIS-
        -LE LAVABO-
        -LA RÉSIDENCE-
        -JE ME COUCHE DANS...-
        -JE JOUE DANS...-

        -Little sheet part B
        -Discuss activities of the house (Livre bleu, page 62 B)
        -Quelle pièce?? (What room would you do the following things)
        -LOTTO (if time!)

        8th grade:

        -Commencez "Être!"

        -Petite feuille avec le petit pingouin!

        -For tomorrow you must memorize the entire chart! Little quiz DEMAIN

        Être = TO BE

        Je SUIS Nous SOMMES

        Tu ES Vous ÊTES

        Il/Elle EST Ils/Elles SONT

        1. Mme Burruby et Mme Case _______ strictes.

        2. Mariana, Brooklynn, Sierra, et moi ______ des amies.

        3. Britney Spears ______ ridicule!

        4. La classe de français _____ vraiment chouette!

        5. Mes étudiants ______ comme les petits lapins.

        6. Vous ______ comme des gorilles.

        7. Beth, Yasmine, Danielle, et Chris _____ en ville.

        8. Et moi, je ____ la plus heureuse prof du monde!

        Tuesday, November 16, 2010

        mercredi le dix-sept novembre

        'L'amour est à ceux qui y pensent.'
        Love belongs to those who think about it.
        Marcel ACHARD, Patate, épigraphe

        Trivia today: At the age of 43, this famous French author's final air-force assignment was to collect intelligence on German troop movements in and around the Rhone Valley preceding the Allied invasion of Southern France. On the evening of July 31, 1944, he left from an airbase on Corsica and was never seen again. He is most famous book is entitled "Le Petit Prince", or "The Little Prince." Who was this author?

        Hier: Who was that fashion designer?


        8th grade:
        - Arrghhh ANOTHER field trip...begin our big verbie tomorrow!

        7th grade:

        - Check LES DEVOIRS: Pages 62-63 dans le livre bleu A-E
        - Check Vocabulary Sheet/ LOTTO card
        - petite feuille (little sheet to keep for a few days..) Activities A and B
        - LOTTO

        QUIZ on LA MAISON - LUNDI!!! (all matching...)<>

        Monday, November 15, 2010

        mardi le seize novembre

        'Rien ne nous rend si grands qu'une grande douleur.'
        Nothing makes us so great as a great sadness.
        Alfred de MUSSET, Poésies nouvelles, La nuit de mai

        Trivia:Born in 1883, this pioneering French fashion designer was the only person in the field to ever be featured in Time Magazine's 100 most influential people of the 20th century.'

        Hier: Which word is NOT slang for 'money' and what does that word mean?

        7th grade:

        - Petite Feuille (little sheet Part C.)
        - Fill in Vocab. sheet and LOTTO card after reviewing 'le vocabulaire extra!'

        Où habites -tu?

        J'habite _______________

        De quelle couleur est ta maison?

        Ma maison est ____________!

        Il y a combien de pièces dans ta maison?

        Il y a ____________ pièces (dans ma maison.)

        Devoirs: Le livre bleu- A-E pages 62-63

        8th grade:

        - Petit quiz des pronoms et GRAND quiz des pronoms!

        - Corrigez en classe.

        -Commencez "Être!"

        -For tomorrow you must memorize the entire chart! Little quiz DEMAIN

        Être = TO BE

        Je SUIS Nous SOMMES

        Tu ES Vous ÊTES

        Il/Elle EST Ils/Elles SONT

        1. Mme Burruby et Mme Case _______ strictes.

        2. Mariana, Brooklynn, Sierra, et moi ______ des amies.

        3. Britney Spears ______ ridicule!

        4. La classe de français _____ vraiment chouette!

        5. Mes étudiants ______ comme les petits lapins.

        6. Vous ______ comme des gorilles.

        7. Beth, Yasmine, Danielle, et Chris _____ en ville.

        8. Et moi, je ____ la plus heureuse prof du monde!

        Wednesday, November 10, 2010

        lundi le quinze novembre

        'A vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloire.'
        To win without risk is a triumph without glory.

        Trivia today: Which of the following are NOT used as a French slang (l'argot) word for 'money?'

        Le grisbi
        Le fric
        Le pognon
        La nana

        7th grade :
        -Hand Out/Collect Grade Reports
        -Commencez LA MAISON - THE HOUSE-Repetez le vocabulaire.
        -Fill in Vocab. sheet and LOTTO card.

        Où habites -tu?
        J'habite _______________

        De quelle couleur est ta maison?

        Ma maison est ____________! (bleue, rouge, blanche, jaune, noire, beige, verte)

        Il y a combien de pièces dans ta maison?

        Il y a ____________ pièces (dans ma maison.)

        8th grade:
        - Grade Reports

        - Petit quiz sur les pronoms!

        - Les Tableaux Blancs...

        - Grand Quiz sur les pronoms :)

        Tuesday, November 9, 2010

        mercredi le dix novembre

        'Généralement, les gens qui savant peu parlent beaucoup, et les gens qui savant beaucoup parlent peu.'
        Generally speaking, the people who know little speak a lot and the people who know a lot speak little.

        Trivia today: In the heart of "Les Halles" district in Paris lies a restaurant that opened in 1832, attracting over the years famous people such as Salvador Dali, Marcel Proust, and Jackie Kennedy. It is located at 38 rue Montorgueil. What is the MAIN speciality of this famous restaurant??

        Hier: What two things were in the boat with Saint Torpes? (Roman name Caïus Silvius Torpetius, a gladiator and attendant of Nero.)<> (The Little Mermaid...en français)

        7th grade:

        - Match up the numbers to the geographical locations.

        - Révisez la carte.

        - Prennez un petit, petit quiz...

        - Continuez avec la vidéo : Le Nord de la France.


        8th grade:

        -Quiz: les pronoms.
        -Collect Devoirs: 10 X each
        -Révisez les pronoms...
        -What pronoun would replace subject?


        La Classe de Mathematique =
        Le chien =
        Mon cousin et moi =
        Ma mère et mon père=
        Les filles =
        Le pupitre et le tableau =

        Je = I Nous = We

        Tu= You Vous = you

        Il/Elle = He/she/it Ils/Elles = They

        Monday, November 8, 2010

        mardi le neuf novembre

        Trivia today: St. Tropez is the gorgeous little town in the South of France where my family is from. Its name is derived from "Saint" Torpes, a man who was beheaded in Roman times during the reign of emperor Nero. His body was then placed in a rotten boat and set adrift where he landed on the shores of what is now Saint Tropez with what other TWO things in the boat???

        Hier: What do those people have in common??

        * There is someone who is leaving CORRECT answers almost daily, but with no name or period so I don't know who to give credit to. Don't forget to leave your name!! :-)

        7th grade:

        -Révisez la carte! Label the WHOLE thing using your book...and match the numbers up!

        -Regardez la vidéo: Géographie La Sud de la France (The South of France.)

        8th grade:
        Zoe throws the pineapple at Willis's head.
        After much laughter, the class gathers itself.

        Megan, Brian, and David look at Wendy in disgust.

        She just beat them to a pulp on the last test.


        Je = I Nous = We

        Tu = you (singular) Vous = you (plural)
        Il / Elle = He/She/It Ils/Elles = They

        Madame Manley=
        Mme Nelson et moi =
        Emily et Stephanie=
        Kailae, Joscelynn, Savanna, Adia, Sarah, Taylor, Frances, et Anthony! =

        DEVOIRS: write out the pronoun chart 10 X. Little quiz tomorrow on chart! You must write it out EXACTLY as I have it above!!!

        Friday, November 5, 2010

        lundi le huit novembre

        'Celui qui a bon coeur n'est jamais sot.'
        He who has a good heart can never be a fool.
        Georges Sand.

        Trivia today: What do all the following people have in common (be very specific) : Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Paul Cézanne, Edgar Degas, Berthe Morisot, Camille Pissarro?

        7th grade:

        - **La Géographie **

        -Révisez la carte! Label the WHOLE thing using your book...and match the numbers up!

        -Regardez la vidéo: Géographie La Sud de la France (The South of France.)

        8th grade:
        Zoe throws the pineapple at Willis's head.
        After much laughter, the class gathers itself.

        Megan, Brian, and David look at Wendy in disgust.

        She just beat them to a pulp in the last test.


        Je = I Nous = We

        Tu = you (singular) Vous = you (plural)
        Il / Elle = He/She/It Ils/Elles = They

        Mlle B= Mme Nelson et moi =
        Emily et Stephanie=
        Kailae, Joscelynn, Savanna, Adia, Sarah, Taylor, Frances, et Anthony! =

        DEVOIRS: write out the pronoun chart 10 X. Little quiz tomorrow on chart! You must write it out EXACTLY as I have it above!!!

        Thursday, November 4, 2010

        vendredi le cinq novembre

        LET THEM EAT NOMS!!!

        7th grade:

        - Check 'les devoirs' pages 32-34 C-K
        -Prennez l'examen des NOMBRES
        - Révisez en classe!
        8th grade:

        - Prennez le quiz de vocabulaire
        - Révisez en classe!

        I have long loved the web-site!

        Now they have a French component that helps you practice French vocabulary AND help world hunger. For each answer you get right the UN World Food Organization will donate 10 grains of rice.

        Go to:

        On the right hand side, click "Change subjects." Then click "French."

        Some questions you will have to guess on, or use common sense since they have many cognates.
        Others you definitely should know because we have already learned the vocabulary!

        BONNE CHANCE :)

        Wednesday, November 3, 2010

        jeudi le quatre novembre

        ' ll y a deux manières d'être malheureux: ou désirer ce que l'on n'a pas, ou posséder ce que l'on désirait.'
        There are two ways to become unhappy: to desire what you don't have or to have finally gotten what you have desired.

        Trivia today: Which French city is considered the culinary capital of France?

        Hier: So where was the first McDos?

        7th grade:
        - Any missing Math Trivia Challenge homework?

        - Continuez avec Les Étages Terribles!

        QUIZ: DEMAIN!!!
        Section 1 - Listen to 10 numbers in French, write them out numerically.

        Section 2 - Read 10 numbers in French, write them out numerically.

        Section 3- Read 10 French math problems. Solve them and write out the answer in a NUMERAL AND FRENCH SPELLING OF THE NUMERAL.

        Devoirs: Le Livre Bleu- Pages 32-34 C-K!

        8th grade:

        - Check les devoirs: Activities B 1,2,3 in packet.

        - Finish Flashcards- quiz yourself for 5 minutes.

        - Vocabulary beeeee.

        Devoirs: ÉTUDIEZ!!!

        Monday, November 1, 2010

        mercredi le trois novembre

        Escargot - "Nobody is sure how this got started. Probably a couple of French master chefs were standing around one day, and they found a snail, and one of them said: 'I bet that if we called this something like "escargot," tourists would eat it.' They they had a hearty laugh, because 'escargot' is the French word for 'fat crawling bag of phlegm.'
        Dave Barry, 'Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need'

        Trivia today: In what city and in what year was the first McDonalds (Le McDo) built in France? (Quel Horreur!!!)

        Hier: Qui est le copain de Vanessa Paradis?

        7th grade:

        - Quiz on the 70's and the 90's!

        - Review 'les devoirs' - Number Trivia Challenge!

        - Any free homework passes??

        - Les étages terribles!! Rules and Regulations. Great review for our QUIZ on: VENDREDI!!!

        QUIZ: On ALL numbers VENDREDI!!

        8th grade:

        - Finish the Drama Dialogue (Period 5)

        - Label the picture with the verbies!

        - Review Page 1 of packet / Assign page 2 B 1,2,3 Les Devoirs

        - Flashcards for Vocabulary Quiz : VENDREDI

        - Vocabulary Beeeeeeee


        DEVOIRS: Page 2 of packet, exercises B 1,2,3.

        Thursday, October 28, 2010

        lundi le premier novembre!!

        'Le travail éloigne de nous trois grands maux: l'ennui, le vice et le besoin.'
        Work delivers us from three great evils: boredom, vice and want.

        Trivia today: Vanessa Paradis, a French singer and actress born December 22, 1972, is the long-time girlfriend of which famous Hollywood star? They have two children together, Lily-Rose and John "Jack" Christopher III.

        7th grade:

        -Quiz on numbers ...10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100!

        - Check homework from Thursday...Math worksheet.

        - Some longer numbers now... practice a few on the homework.

        - The horrible world of learning the 70's and the 90's... - 70-80 - 90-100

        LOTTO totalement EN ANGLAIS!!!

        Les devoirs: Number Trivia Challenge!

        Demain: Quiz on numbers 70's and 90's (it could be any of them, although there will only be 10 questions.)

        8th grade:

        -Quiz on questions. 100, 86,72,58,44,30,16,0. JE VEUX ...MY MODE! 100,100,100,100...

        1. Qui-
        2. Qu'est-ce que?
        3. Quand?
        4. Où?
        5. Pourquoi?
        6. Comment?
        7. À quelle heure

        - Translate the following 'dramatic' dialogue:

        * I like to travel!
        * Oh really??
        * Yes, of course! I want to visit France. I would like to
        be on vacation.
        * With who???
        * With my boyfriend over there.
        * Why??
        * I like Jordan a lot!
        * Um. Maybe I like Jordan a little, also!!
        * NOW?? Too bad. You are (Tu es) stupid.

        - Révisez les devoirs (Activities A 1,2,3 of packet.)
        - Étudiez un Vocabulary beeee.

        vendredi le vingt-neuf octobre

        How is Halloween celebrated in France?

        Halloween in France is usually celebrated by costumed people of all ages going to parties at friends' homes, restaurants, bars, or clubs. The costumes themselves tend to be traditionally "scary" - mummies, ghosts, goblins, witches, and vampires - rather than the cute costumes like princesses, superheroes, and the cartoon character of the day which are popular in the US. Some recreation centers encourage kids to make their own costumes.

        Trick-or-treating is getting to be more common. It started out store-to-store, rather than house-to-house, but the latter is picking up. However, Halloween occurs during the mid-season school break, which slows it down a bit.Stores, malls, restaurants, offices, and homes decorate their windows; pastry and candy shops make up special desserts and candies; and many different kinds of companies use Halloween in their ads. Supermarkets sell pumpkins for jack-o'-lanterns and candy companies are now marketing candy in the traditional Halloween format: one big bag filled with lots of little packages, which may encourage trick-or-treating.

        The growing demand for jack-o'-lanterns during Halloween has been a boon for pumpkin growers. There is even a pumpkin patch at a farm outside of Paris where people can pick their own. Halloween in France is rather controversial, due to the perception of corporate and cultural influence, as well as the fact that it is not a typical French holiday and some people still don't understand what is being celebrated. Because Halloween is seen as an American celebration, some French people refuse to enjoy it, having decided to include it in their anti-American boycott. It's too early to tell whether Halloween will develop into a long-term tradition; once the novelty wears off, it may turn out to be just a fad. And yet, interestingly, the French have been celebrating the ideas at the very heart of Halloween (respect for the dead) for centuries. 31 October to 2 November have traditionally been spent, especially by older generations, visiting cemeteries, honoring saints, and attending religious services.
        8th grade: Question quiz and check homework.

        7th grade: Check homework/ Math worksheet.

        *LOTTO d'Halloween!!

        *No cheating! Cards will be verified :)


        8th grade: LITTLE QUESTION QUIZ. 100, 86, 72, 58, 44, 30, 16, 0

        7th grade: LITLE QUIZ ON NUMBERS 10-100.

        1. Qu'est-ce que?

        2. Comment?

        3. Quand?

        4. Qui?

        5. à quelle heure?

        6. Pourquoi?

        7. Où?

        Wednesday, October 27, 2010

        jeudi le vingt-huit octobre

        'Rien ne pèse tant que un secret.'
        Nothing weighs more than a secret.
        La Fontaine.


        Trivia aujourd'hui: This island nation, still considered a 'francophone' country, was invaded by France in 1883 in what became known as the first Franco-Hova War. The French later established reformed institutions in 1956 under the Loi Cadre (Overseas Reform Act), and the country moved peacefully towards independence. It is home to the animal seen above...
        (There is also a movie that bears the same name as this country !)

        8th grade:

        * MAINTENANT: Take first 'little quiz' on the question words.
        * Mark quizzes and put in book. 100, 86, 72, 58, 44, 30, 16, 0.

        1. Pourquoi?
        2. Où?
        3. Comment?
        4. Qui?
        5. À quelle heure?
        6. Quand?
        7. Qu'est-ce que?

        - Check les devoirs: Question words 5x each.
        - White board review with questions and answers.

        Devoirs: Activities A 1, 2, 3 in packet.

        Grade 7:

        -Quiz on numbers ...10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100!

        Will we have to take this again tomorrow?? If not...then: - 70-80 - 90-100

        -Les Nombres 70-90


        Devoirs: Étudiez pour le quiz: on numbers 10-100 AGAIN!

        PLUS, the math worksheet, uh oh!

        Tuesday, October 26, 2010

        mercredi le vingt-sept octobre

        ' Le temps est un grand maître, dit-on, le malheur est qu'il tue ses élèves.'
        We say that time is a great teacher. It's too bad that it also kills all its students.

        Trivia today: In August of 2003, what unprecendented natural disaster caused 14,802 deaths in France (and 35,000 total in Southern Europe?)

        La question d'hier: Which musician died in Paris at the age of 27?

        7th grade:

        - Quiz on 11-20

        - Check les devoirs- 11-20 5x each.

        Devoirs: Write the numbers 20-100 5x each. ONLY 20, 30, 40...etc.vingt, vingt, vingt, trente, trente, trente, quarante, quarante, quarante...

        QUIZ TOMORROW ON NUMBERS BY '10.' 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100...

        Grade 8:

        -Faire Maintenant - Match the questions with the answers : Les Interrogatives!!!

        - Check homework: Vocabulary and LOTTO card.

        QUI? - WHO?

        QU'EST-CE QUE? -WHAT?

        QUAND? -WHEN?

        OÙ? -WHERE?

        POURQUOI? -WHY?

        COMMENT? -HOW?



        DEVOIRS: Écrivez : Question Words 5x each!

        ÉTUDIEZ: Tomorrow starts your 'little quiz' series. You will have a 7 question quiz first thing on the 'question' words. We will do this FIRST thing on a half sheet of paper, grade in class, put grade in book....and move along. GOAL: EVERYONE GETS A "100." I will give you the French question words, you must supply the English. The order will be mixed up, of course.

        Monday, October 25, 2010

        mardi le vingt-six octobre

        "Where's your will to be weird?"
        - ???? (author discussed below.)

        Trivia today: On July 3rd, 1971 this legendary musician died in Paris at the age of 27 where he had taken up residence at the time. His grave-site can be found at the Père-LaChaise cemetery in eastern Paris and is visited by thousands every year.

        Hier: What was the WWI battle??

        Cute little online 'thingy': - WHAT'S YOUR FRENCH NAME?? FILL IN WITH FIRST AND LAST NAME...SEE WHAT YOU GET <3>

        7th grade:

        -Quiz on les nombres 1-10.
        - Check 'les devoirs' - Vocabulary Sheet.
        -Comptez, encore?
        -fill in LOTTO card
        -Les numéros de téléphone...DRING DRING!! ALLO?!?

        Devoirs: Write the numbers 11-20 5X each! Practice saying them aloud to yourself (or someone else who doesn't mind listening to you

        QUIZ MERCREDI: 11-20!!! Use the little frog for practice.

        8th grade :
        • Re-write sentences in the NEGATIVE telling me you do NOT want to do the activities...
        • Révisez plus de vocabulaire
        • Fill in Vocabulary and LOTTO sheets in class / if not finish for homework. Ah bon?!?! Oui, Ah bon...
        • DVD "La boum" - if time.

        Devoirs: Finissez la feuille de vocabulaire ou la feuille de LOTTO!

        Thursday, October 21, 2010

        lundi le vingt-cinq octobre

        I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
        'Toute méchanceté vient de faiblesse.'
        Meanness comes from weakness.

        Trivia today: This WWI battle, fought from July-November 1916 as allied forces tried to break through a north-south front along a stretch of river in Northern France (for which the battle was named) was one of the bloodiest military operations ever recorded with over 1.5 million casualties.

        7th grade:

        * Oh là là ...Les Nombres!!
        * Quelsques vidéos.
        * Comptez avec moi et M. Grenouille.
        Crazy French teacher!
        Toddler counts to 20!
        Lion King 1-10!
        Really cute girl counts to 10!
        1-10 avec Monsieur Grenouille! (Mister Frog!)

        * Vocabulary sheet/LOTTO card

        * DEVOIRS: finish vocabulary sheet and LOTTO card.

        QUIZ tomorrow on 1-10 (use the little frog to help you!)

        8th grade:
        - Behavior EXPECTATIONS.
        - Test grades? If you have them, may I please have them? Your grade may be lower than it's supposed to be (or higher, but if you can't produce the test- the lower grade will stay.)

        -Nouveau Unité:
        ** In this chapter we will learn a lot of new grammar including: "ER" Verbies,
        and the verb "Être" - to be. Get your grammar pants ready!

        -Révisez le vocabulaire d'Unité 3. Nice and Loud! Chat about the chapter a bit...

        -Vocabulary sheets - long but useful, do NOT lose them. Save forever in the almighty French folder, svp. (Tomorrow)

        Friday, October 15, 2010

        Tuesday, October 12, 2010

        Excusez moi, I Glogged.

        I created a GLOG. Love it...

        If you follow my GLOG, you can create one, too. I will probably be assigning a class project using GLOGS as an option in the late Fall.

        A Glog is like a Blog, but it let's you create posters that can contain all types of information instead of using the traditional written/journal format.

        Check it out...

        (Click on the pictures to link to other pages!)

        (The project may surround exploring the life of a famous French figure, and creating a GLOG about his/her life! Here's a list of 'Famous French folks:' )

        Friday, October 8, 2010

        Regarding Five Week Interim Reports

        Today I handed out 5 week progress reports to ALL students. I expect these to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned by TUESDAY 10/12. This will be counted as a homework assignment.

        There is a little 'blurb' on the bottom of the page near the signature line that reads:
        "Please sign below and bring the report back to the teachers and parents meeting on Tuesday."

        I have no idea why that is there, it's not true, just please get signed!

        -Madame Manley

        Monday, September 27, 2010

        lundi le vingt-sept septembre

        'Le plus grand faible des hommes, c'est l'amour qu'ils ont de la vie.'
        Man's greatest weakness is his love of life.

        Trivia today: Charles Martel, a legendary general from France's middle ages, is also known by what 'heavy hitting' nickname? (Side note: His last name is the same as my maternal great-grandfather, I've always wondered if I am a descendent!)

        7th grade:

        - Let's see how much review we can do today!
        -Vocabulary Bee Buzzzzzz....
        -Attaquez les éléphants!
        - LOTTO??
        - Ticket Trade In.

        DEVOIRS: YOur homework for tonight is to "étudier!!" étudier means TO STUDY!!!
        If you ever see "étudiez" in the homework space, you should know what it means :-)

        Friday, September 24, 2010

        vendredi le vingt quatre septembre

        '...chacun doit être l'aide-jardinier de sa propre âme...'
        Joris-Karl HUYSMANS, En route, deuxième partie, chap. 13

        'Everyone has to be the assistant gardener to his own soul.... '

        Trivia question answers? - That little village raided by the Butcher of Lyon?

        7th grade:

        -Révisez les devoirs pages 4-7 A-F

        -Vocabulary Bee Buzzzzzzzzzzz...

        -Attaquez les éléphants!!! (Listen CAREFULLY to the rules!!)

        -C'est vendredi!! Ticket TRADE-IN


        Wednesday, September 22, 2010

        jeudi le vingt trois septembre

        'L'éducation consiste à nous donner des idées, et la bonne éducation à les mettre en proportion. '
        Education consists of giving us ideas, and good education of putting them in perspective.
        - Charles de Secondat, baron de MONTESQUIEU, Essai sur les causes qui peuvent affecter les esprits et les caractères, seconde partie

        Trivia Today: On the morning of April 6th, 1944, Klaus Barbie, a Nazi otherwise known as 'the Butcher of Lyon' orchestrated a raid upon an orphanage in this tiny French village, sending 44 children to their deaths at Auschwitz. (I'm sorry today's trivia is so sad, but it's important.)

        Yesterday's Trivia: Which monarch was primarily responsible for Versailles?

        7th grade:

        - Do now: Parts B&C of sheet from yesterday ( some of my scrambles are actually spelled incorrectly. Zut Alors!)

        -Check/ Look at the homework: pages 4-7 in Blue Book

        -First Vocabulary Bee buzzzzzzzzzz /rules and regulations.

        Comment t'appelles-tu?

        Tu parles français?

        Comment vas-tu? Comment ça-va?


        8th grade:

        Regardez le film "Paris 2." Demain, on commence le livre (Unité 1) avec Mme. DeStazio.