Wednesday, September 30, 2009

jeudi le premier octobre

'Jamais honteux n'eut belle amie. '
Isaac de BENSERADE, Ballet des proverbes
'The shameful never have dear friends.'
Question quiz: Name the above rocky tidal island that was once a monastary and a 6th and 7th century Romano-Breton stronghold in Normandy, France.
Déjeuner: ?? (They haven't printed October's menu yet)
7th grade:
-Do now: Parts B&C of sheet from yesterday

-Check/ Look at the homework: pages 4-7 in Blue Book

-First Vocabulary Bee buzzzzzzzzzz /rules and regulations.
Comment t'appelles-tu?
Tu parles français?
Comment vas-tu? Comment ça-va?
Grade 8:
-Warm-up transparency : Make a list of things you could order if you're hungry/ Review
-Check homework- finish filling in things you couldn't find ( Vocabulary Sheet)
-Finish repeating Vocabulary from Unité 2.
-Watch DVD for Unité 2 (Please forgive their clothes...they know not how they dress <3)>

LOTTO CARD (if not finished in class.)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

mercredi le trente septembre

(Claude Monet, Japanese Footbridge 1899)

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
Alphonse KARR, Les Guêpes 1849
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Déjeuner: Hearty Chicken Bowl
7th grade:
- Do now: parts A and B of new worksheet.
Tu parles français??
Comment t'appelles-tu??
Comment vas-tu? Comment ça-va?
-Jouez au LOTTO- hopefully more winners.

DEVOIRS : Textbook pages 4-7
8th grade:
- Do now: Reading comprehension sheet: these questions are similar to what you will see on the
State Exam at the end of the year.
- Check packets Leçons 1B and 2A.
- Commencez Unité 2: La Vie Courante (Everyday Life)
- Within this chapter we will review: Food, time, weather, days of the week, months of the year/
however still no new grammar.
- Complete Vocabulary sheet: these are much longer than last year, but follow the goldish boxes
and you'll find all your definitions.

Monday, September 28, 2009

mardi le vingt neuf septembre

Question quiz: The Eiffel Tower was the tallest structure in the world until 1930 when it was out ranked by this building:

a.) The Chrysler Building

b.) The Empire State Building

c.) The Sears Tower

d.) The Kingston Old Dutch Church
Déjeuner: Rotisserie chicken w/ WW rotini (ooh today's treat: fruited gelatin!!!)

7th grade:

-Do Now: Parts C & D of yesterday's sheet...

- LOTTO Card

-Jouez au LOTTO/ How to play and how to win!

8th grade

- Do now: Leçon 2C warmup, dans vos cahiers/ ( 1st person in each row get
books, svp...s'il vous plait :)

- finish / begin Leçon IB packet (minus the two exercises...)

- In pairs, complete packet Leçon 2A - and then we're pretty much finished with Unité 1: as far
as I'm concerned nous avons fini! (Demain...)

1. Jessica is French, intelligent, and a friend.
2. Alex is canadian, tall, and a friend.
3. Miss Battaglia is English, intelligent, and my

Thursday, September 24, 2009

vendredi le vingt cinq septembre ( 3 day weekend!!)

French 80's pop...freaky or funny?
Etienne Daho:

' On n'est point toujours une bête pour l'avoir été quelquefois.'
Denis DIDEROT, Les Bijoux indiscrets, chap 30
'Being a fool sometimes does not make one a fool all the time. '

Déjeuner: Beef and bean chili

7th grade:

- Any missing homework (devoirs?)

- Little 'do now' sheet. Hold on to it until 'mardi.'

- LOTTO card instructions and fill out/ if time play a round...

- Ticket trade-in?

  • 5 - pen/pencil combination... postcard/pencil combination... necklace/pencil homework pass...5 points on next test or quiz coupon..or gum (once a month.)

  • 15 - Laynard or bracelet

  • 20 -Eiffel Tower keychain

  • 25- Eiffel Tower pencil sharpener

  • 30- French Foods mousepad

8th grade

- Textbooks - Unité Un: mostly review...

- Lisez 'notes culturelles' pages 23 et 27
- Discuss masculine vs feminine adjectives ex:

Brooke est americaine, mais Julian est français.
Une amie / Un ami
Une copine/Un copain.

- Hand out Unité Un packet: Leçon 1B exercises SKIP activité B1.

What flags belong to what countries??

Leçon IB packet

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

jeudi le vingt quatre septembre

-Any answers to the question quiz??

7th grade:

- Révisez les devoirs (Vocabulary Sheet, Chapter 1) If you have detention today for forgetting your book, don't forget today or I will be calling home...

- Regardez un film!

8th grade:

-Regardez un film!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

mercredi le vingt trois septembre

Qui meurt pour le pays vit éternellement.
Robert GARNIER, Porcie, acte II
He who dies for his country lives forever.
* Back to School Night - tell your parents to drop by our room (130) if they want to say a quick hello to me or ask any questions!

Déjeuner: BBQ beef potato bowl

Question quiz: Marie Antoinette, who lost her head to the guillotine in the French Revolution, was wife to which French monarch:
a.) Louis XV
b.) Louis XIV
c.) Louis XVI
d.) Louis XIII
7th grade:
-Begin reciting vocabulary and phrases from Chapter 1.
-Practice some phrases:

Tu parles français? Oui, je parle français!
Tu parles russe? Non, je ne parle pas russe!

-Give out Vocabulary Sheet and Lotto cards.
-Explain how each is to be filled out - begin filling out in class.

Finish filling out LOTTO card and Vocabulary Sheet
8th grade:
- Complete/Hang posters.
- Textbooks - Unité Un: mostly review...
- Lisez 'notes culturelles' pages 23 et 27

- Discuss masculine vs feminine adjectives ex:
Brooke est americaine, mais Julian est français.
Une amie / Un ami
Une copine/Un copain.

- Hand out Unité Un packet: Leçon 1B.
Leçon IB packet

Monday, September 21, 2009

mardi le vingt deux septembre

J'ai fait un peu de bien ; c'est mon meilleur ouvrage.
François-Marie Arouet, dit VOLTAIRE, Épitres CXXI, à Horace
I did a little bit of good; it's my best work.

Déjeuner: Meatloaf with rotini

Any answers to that quiz question?!

7th grade:

Period 1- Lockers and LOCKS!

-Give out books - write your name in a few different places. Cost to replace is $20.

-Hand out books.

-You must bring it to class EVERYDAY or you will be detained (detention) that day-no

-Take a browse through the book/ look at the chapters/talk about activities we will be doing.

-Begin reciting vocabulary and phrases from Chapter 1.
-Practice some phrases:

Tu parles français? Oui, je parle français!

Tu parles russe? Non, je ne parle pas russe!

-Give out Vocabulary Sheet and Lotto cards.

-Explain how each is to be filled out - begin filling out in class.

8th grade:

Go to downstairs Computer Lab to type your compositions.

Friday, September 18, 2009

lundi le vingt-et-un septembre

'Une bonne confession vaut mieux qu'une mauvaise excuse. '
Jean HAMON, Lettre à un ami

'A good confession is better than a bad excuse.'

Question quiz: This man, (born, August 4, 1821; died, February 27, 1892), future founder of his own very successful company, was born in Jura, France. This company is an international French fashion house specializing in trunks, leather goods, ready-to-wear, shoes, watches, jewelry, accessories, sunglasses, and books. This company had over 2.7 billion dollars in revenue in 2008 and is most recognized by its famous monogram logo.
Déjeuner- General Tso chicken
7th grade:

- Mini word relay: le, la, l', les (see rules below)
- Hand out books / put names in at least 3 different places within the book. You must bring it to
class EVERYDAY or you will be detained (detention) that day-no exceptions.
-Take a browse through the book/ look at the chapters/talk about activities we will be doing.
-Begin recitation of Chapitre Un: Salutations et Courtoisies (if time allows.)

-Each person in a row is assigned a number position.
-That person is responsible for writing down the answer to the question on the overhead on a piece of paper (corresponding with his/her seat) that is passed back through the row.
-Every answer must be filled in (1-5)
-No person can fill in two answers at once!
-Paper goes up and down row until all answers are filled in (if team members did not know answer...)
-Papers are passed back to first desk. First desk owner raises hand to show me the team is finished.
-Every correct answer is awarded one point. First team complete receives extra point.

8th grade:

-Last day to fully finish project in class - tomorrow typing in lab.

Mercredi- assembling project/hanging on walls for Back to School Night.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

vendredi le dix-huit septembre

'La plus perdue de toutes les journées est celle où l'on n'a pas ri.'
Sébastien Roch Nicolas, dit CHAMFORT, Maximes et pensées
'The most wasted of all days is the one during which you did not laugh. '

Déjeuner- 'Inside out' manicotti

Answers to 'question quiz.'

7th grade:

-Practice sheet of le, la, l', les.

-Hand back vrai/faux quizzes. Exchange with a neighbor and grade me!

- If I have made any mistakes, you get another ticket.

-Review le, la, l' sheet

-LE/LA/L' relay activity (if time)


- Each person in a row is assigned a number position.
- That person is responsible for writing down the answer to the question on the overhead on a
piece of paper (corresponding with his/her seat) that is passed back through the row.
- Every answer must be filled in (1-5)
- No person can fill in two answers at once!
- Paper goes up and down row until all answers are filled in (if team members did not know answer...)
- Papers are passed back to first desk. First desk owner raises hand to show me the team is
- Every correct answer is awarded one point. First team complete receives extra point.

8th grade:

- Vous avez trois jours!!! You have three days...keep yourself on schedule.

QUALITY- I want it...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

mercredi le seize septembre

Les grandes pensées viennent du coeur.
Luc de Clapiers, marquis de VAUVENARGUES, Réflexions
Great thoughts come from the heart.

Question quiz: Which of the following French cheeses is white, tangy, crumbly and slightly moist, with distinctive veins of green mold?

a.) Port Salut
b.) Camembert
c.) Roquefort
d.) Gruyère
Déjeuner: Roast Turkey with dinner roll
7th grade:
- Collect/Check true/false quizzes (tickets) Period 8- Finish reviewing.
- Take 40 question quiz on French words.
- Review 40 Question French quiz.
- Did you notice the "le and la" used with many of the words?
- Notes on MASCULINE vs FEMININE vs PLURAL vs "STARTS WITH A VOWEL" French nouns. Eeeek!
-Practice sheet of le, la, l', les.
8th grade:
- Continuez avec le projet!!
Sentence Starters:
Je m'appelle - My name is______________
Je suis = I am
J'ai - I have ex: J'ai un portable (I have a cellphone) et J'ai treize ans ( I HAVE 13 years...I'm 13 years old)
J'aime - I like
Je préfère - I prefer
Mon couleur préféré est...- My fav. color is
Je n'aime pas- I don't like
Je déteste - I hate
Je fais - I play/I do
J'aime faire - I like to play/do
J'aime manger - I like to eat
J'aime boire - I like to drink
Ma mère s'appelle- My mom's name is...
J'habite- I live
little words:
ou - or
et- and
très- very
beaucoup de- a lot
aussi - also ( ex: J'aime manger la glace et les biscuits aussi.)
Par exemple...- For example...

Monday, September 14, 2009

mardi le quinze septembre

'Les enfants n'ont ni passé ni avenir, et, ce qui ne nous arrive guère, ils jouissent du présent.'
Jean de LA BRUYÈRE, Les Caractères, De l'hommme, 51
'Children have neither a past nor a future and, hardly ever true of us, enjoy the present. '

Déjeuner: baked mac and cheese, bbq chicken sandwich, egg salad sub, chicken ranch salad

* Joyeux Anniversaire à mon fiancé <3>

7th grade:

- finish last few introductions if any.

- take quiz on Mademoiselle Battaglia - Bonne Chance!

-Grade quiz in will be rewarded for cleverness, or perhaps just plain ol' good luck!

-Create true/false quiz about yourself and hand in for Mademoiselle to take.

-Take 40 word French quiz/ Révisez

- Did you notice the "le and la" used with many of the words?

Demain: (tomorrow)

Notes on MASCULINE vs FEMININE vs PLURAL vs "STARTS WITH A VOWEL" French nouns. Eeeek!

8th grade: Continuez avec vos projets : BONJOUR, JE M'APPELLE...


1. 30 sentence composition

2. Three nameplates demonstrating who YOU are

3. Composition typed

4. Composition and nameplates mounted on colored paper

Sentence Starters:

Je m'appelle - My name is______________
Je suis = I am
J'ai - I have ex: J'ai un portable (I have a cellphone) et J'ai treize ans ( I HAVE 13 years...I'm 13 years old)
J'aime - I like
Je préfère - I prefer
Mon couleur préféré est...- My fav. color is
Je n'aime pas- I don't like
Je déteste - I hate
Je fais - I play/I do
J'aime faire - I like to play/do
J'aime manger - I like to eatJ'aime boire - I like to drink
Ma mère s'appelle- My mom's name is...
J'habite- I live

little words:
ou - or
et- and
très- very
beaucoup- a lot
aussi - also ( ex: J'aime manger la glace et les biscuits aussi.)

Friday, September 11, 2009

lundi le quatorze septembre

'Toutes nos passions reflètent les étoiles. '
Victor HUGO, La Légende des siècles
'All of our passions reflect the stars.'

Déjeuner: Asian chicken noodles, chicken nuggets, turkey chef salad
Question quiz: Regarding the guillotine, which of the following is NOT true?

a. Dr. Guillotin was executed by guillotine.
b. Its use was advocated by Dr. Guillotin as a more humane way of executing criminals.
c. It was first called “Louison” for Dr. Louis who developed it.
d. It was used to execute approximately 15,000 enemies of the republic from 1792 to 1799


7th grade

- Finish introductions
- Comment t'appelles -tu?
- Je m'appelle ______________________
- Enchanté!

Take vrai/faux quiz on the life and times of your French teacher. How much do you thiiiink you know?

8th grade:
- Begin in class project "Bonjour, je m'appelle..."
-Remember you have until the end of the period: lundi le 23 septembre.

1. 30 sentence composition
2. Three nameplates demonstrating who YOU are
3. Composition typed
4. Composition and nameplates mounted on colored paper

Sentence Starters:

Je m'appelle - My name is______________
Je suis = I am
J'ai - I have ex: J'ai un portable (I have a cellphone) et J'ai treize ans ( I HAVE 13 years...I'm 13 years old)
J'aime - I like
Je préfère
- I prefer
Mon couleur préféré est...- My fav. color is
Je n'aime pas- I don't like
Je déteste - I hate
Je fais - I play/I do
J'aime faire - I like to play/do
J'aime manger - I like to eat
J'aime boire - I like to drink
Ma mère s'appelle- My mom's name is...
J'habite- I live

Thursday, September 10, 2009

vendredi le onze septembre

'La bouche sourit mal quand les yeux sont en pleurs.
Évariste-Désiré de Forges, vicomte de PARNY, La Rechute
'The mouth smiles poorly when the eyes are full of tears. '

Déjeuner: Hot dog, beef and bean chili, taco, tuna salad wrap

7th grade

-Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
-Take out name cards and let's get to know each other...
-Question and answer:

- Comment t'appelles-tu?
- Je m'appelle ___________
- Enchanté.

Tell me some things about yourself.

No homework.

8th grade

-Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
-Go over vrai/faux quizzes and grade me (Period 9)

- Hand back quizzes/review (period 4) Collect/check quizzes (period 9)
-Present first project:

"Bonjour, je m'appelle..."

This will be done in class.
Elements of Project

1. Write a 30 sentence composition about yourself, your life, your interests, your likes and dislikes, your family, your house, your everything...

2. Create at least THREE 'name-plates' (examples will be shown) that represent one of the elements that 'make you, YOU!' ex: Je m'appelle Janine et j'adore les chats. (I design my name in tiger-print.)

3. Type composition at home or in computer lab.

4. Mount name-plates and composition on colored paper and hang in hallway for Back to School Night.


Be creative !
Remember your basics :

Je suis = I am J'ai = I have J'adore = I love Je déteste = I hate

Be colorful

Use your old book and page 185 of Discovering French Nouveau.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

jeudi le dix septembre

'L'amour est le miracle de la civilisation.'
Marie-Henri Beyle, dit STENDHAL, De L'Amour
'Love is the miracle of civilization. '

Déjeuner: Pasta primavera, pizza burger, chicken quesadilla, Ham wrap, Turkey salad

7th grade

-Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
-Complete procedure sheet do now
- 1st period - hand out Picture Day forms - le seize septembre! (September 16th)
-Check materials (folder for French only) - ticket
-Finish name tag cards and illustrations (see below for reminder)
-Begin introductions if time allows <33

Comment t'appelles -tu??
Je m'appelle ___________


1.Write selected FRENCH name on front of colored index card- underneath write what it means

2.On back draw three things that represent you.

3.Inside the card give me all your 'vitals:'

a. home phone and parent cell phone.
b. address
c. Parent guardian names
d. parent email address (if they have one)

8th Grade

-Collect/Check homework (true/false quiz and folder and notebook) - ticket
-Quiz on Greetings and Salutations review
-Question Face-off for as much time as possible. Brush up on your questions:

Tu as combien de pieds?

Tu as faim?

Où habites-tu?

Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

mercredi le neuf septembre

'Dis-moi qui t'admire et je te dirai qui tu es. '
Charles Auguste SAINTE-BEUVE, Causeries du lundi, 20 avril 1850Tell me who 'admires you and I'll tell you who you are.

7th grade:

- Remember and find seats
- Bonjour Mademoiselle Battaglia / Quelle est la date aujourd'hui
- Hand out envelopes for holding of tickets - first free ticket
- Check homework (Signed Rules Sheet)
- Did you check the blog?
- Begin first assignment - selection of French names.

1.Write selected FRENCH name on front of colored index card- underneath write what it means
2.On back draw three things that represent you.
3.Inside the card give me all your 'vitals.'

a. home phone and parent cell phone.

b. address

c. Parent guardian names

d. parent email address (if they have one)


*Folder to be checked tomorrow. Make sure you have it! FRENCH ONLY!
*Our class policy question sheet. Only one answer required per question/although more accepted.

8th Grade:

- Make sure everyone is in correct seat
- Hand out envelopes for tickets
- Check Homework - Signed Rules/Rewards sheets (tickets)
- Check the blog?

-Select French names to use on all papers (9th period only)

- Continue practice with 'les glaces.'
- Take Vrai/Faux quiz on Mademoiselle
- Review quiz as a class / rewards for cleverness


*Folder and notebook for tomorrow.
*Creation of your own vrai/faux quiz about yourself.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

mardi le huit septembre (tuesday, september 8.)

'Tous les hommes sont égaux par la nature et devant la loi.'
Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen
'All men are equal by nature and by law. '

Déjeuner: New LUNCH! Chicken nuggets, pizza, burrito, wrap, OR turkey chef salad.

7th grade and 8th grade:

-Seating charts and seats assigned.
-Blog overview and distribution of rules and rewards sheets.
-Disussion of class and materials needed.
-Selection of French names (if time allows.)

8th grade:

-discussion of course work and online textbook.


-Bring "Rules" sheet back signed by parent/guardian (for ticket.)
-Remember seat for tomorrow.
-Bring in necessary materials by Thursday:

* 7th grade- FOLDER w/ paper.
* 8th grade- One subject notebook AND folder.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Homework (les devoirs) policy.

Students have ONE day to bring in late/absent homework. They will receive a full grade of '100' if they bring it in within that time period. (They will not receive a 'ticket' as a reward for completing homework on time. After the one day grace period a grade of '0' will be entered in the assignment column. A grade of '50' can also be issued for partially done/poorly completed homework.

What you will need and how you will be graded.

What you will need:

Level IA (7th grade)

Folder with loose-leaf paper, devoted entirely to French!
A pen or pencil everyday.
Textbook every day, no exceptions.

Level IB (8th grade)

Section of notebook or one subject notebook devoted entirely to French.
A pen or pencil everyday.

Grading Rules:

Beginning French (Level IA)

Tests - 35%
Quizzes and classwork - 40%
Homework - 15%
Participation- 10%

8th Grade (Level IB)

Tests - 30%
Quizzes- 25%
"Little" grammar quizzes- 20%
Homework - 15%
Participation- 10%



1.Listen to others when they are speaking. That means me AND people in your class.
2.Have EVERYTHING with you and BE ON TIME. You will not be allowed to leave the room
after the bell rings. Ask me for locker and bathroom BEFORE the bell rings. (BOOKS will be
expected EVERYDAY, no matter what!)
3.Keep ‘yourself to yourself.’
4.Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat. That means for anything… Pencil sharpener,
garbage, tissue…
5.Do not swear, tease, or argue. Do not say the “S-U” word. Do not say “It’s not fair.” *

I generally give at least one verbal warning if you break a rule. I give you a chance to ‘redeem’ yourself. An exception to this is if you overtly disrupt the class or disrespect anyone. Consequences may be as follows (in order of severity):

Verbal Warning.

Classroom Detention. (always used for tardiness and ‘book forgetfulness.’)

Phone Call home (to be used in correlation with any other consequence.)

Removed from class, sent to office.



Just as bad behavior has a consequence, good behavior has its rewards. Tickets are handed out for homework completed, mistakes pointed out, individual exceptional participation, winners of various activities…

Each Friday individual tickets tallied. You must have FIVE tickets to trade for a small reward. You may trade them in for items worth five tickets or ten tickets. Items may include:

French pens and pencils.

French key chains.

Eiffel Tower pencil sharpeners.

French mouse pads

Parisian postcards

French wrist-bands

French stickers.

Free Homework Passes.

5 points added to your next test or quiz.

Yummy treats.

In addition to tickets, rewards for great behavior and work always include:

Praise (all the time!)

Happy phone calls home.

My love and devotion as your teacher!

Free time or a French film.

Various food gatherings throughout the year

Various other perks to be discussed!