Wednesday, September 16, 2009

vendredi le dix-huit septembre

'La plus perdue de toutes les journées est celle où l'on n'a pas ri.'
Sébastien Roch Nicolas, dit CHAMFORT, Maximes et pensées
'The most wasted of all days is the one during which you did not laugh. '

Déjeuner- 'Inside out' manicotti

Answers to 'question quiz.'

7th grade:

-Practice sheet of le, la, l', les.

-Hand back vrai/faux quizzes. Exchange with a neighbor and grade me!

- If I have made any mistakes, you get another ticket.

-Review le, la, l' sheet

-LE/LA/L' relay activity (if time)


- Each person in a row is assigned a number position.
- That person is responsible for writing down the answer to the question on the overhead on a
piece of paper (corresponding with his/her seat) that is passed back through the row.
- Every answer must be filled in (1-5)
- No person can fill in two answers at once!
- Paper goes up and down row until all answers are filled in (if team members did not know answer...)
- Papers are passed back to first desk. First desk owner raises hand to show me the team is
- Every correct answer is awarded one point. First team complete receives extra point.

8th grade:

- Vous avez trois jours!!! You have three days...keep yourself on schedule.

QUALITY- I want it...


Tori said...

I love how I remember everything the teacher says. And I'm quiet now. I mean I'm never quiet its probably because I'm not use to everyone yet. But it's funny because my teacher said " get outta my class" I burst into laughter and said Mr.V haha and Fresia giggled. So I now have this new thing where I come on you blog almost every day. I miss you. Like you have no idea. I feel like you should be here. I love you Miss B. And congrats on the engagement. I'm so happy you found a good guy and your happy. Well I have to go my brothers got soccer.
You know I'll comment you tomarrow. haha.

Anonymous said...

I miss you ):
French class is so boring now :/

Love Harli (:

Cassandra Shultis said...

Hey Ms.B!!!!! I miss you so much. I heard about your engagement, Congrats<33 My french teacher isnt as awesome as you are. I miss all your stories. You were the best. The songs that you taught us help out alot. My teacher was teaching us the endings of some of the words and I remeber your little song..You were right you told us we would. I am going to come back and see you soon. I love you.

Cassandra Shultis<3

Anonymous said...

the picture looks like flooring realyyyy bumpy floring it was only now that i saw that it was chesse (that is that you told us)

Anonymous said...

hey ms.b the answer to the thingy is louis vuitton i think

elizabeth period 8