Tuesday, February 4, 2014

C'est mardi, le quatre février

Sections VERT et VIOLET
Trivia: Check the following article and tell me (briefly) what
the difference is between "la salle de bains" et "le WC."
  • La Maison - Introduction to different types of homes!
  • Essential Questions: Où habites-tu?
  • Tu habites dans quelle sorte de maison??
  • Some French homes we may dream about...
  • And then, the reality :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the difference between la sale de bains and the le W.C. is that the la sale de bains is indoors and the W.C. is out doors. During the 1800 Americans became aware of the poor sanitary so they invented the Water Closet also known as the W.C. the water closet was an outside hut where you go to the bathroom your waste falls from the hight of the toilet seat to a ditch in the ground.
Sophia Garelick
7th grade
the other response I did I forgot to put my name on it so count this one instead.