Tuesday, February 2, 2010

mercredi le trois février

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Alphonse KARR, Les Guêpes 1849

7th grade


-Categorgizing your fruits/vegetables/meats/beverages.
-Hand out Grade Reports
-Make sure vocabulary sheets are finished!
-Tu as faim? Tu as soif?

-Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger?


-Qu'est-ce que tu aimes boire?

J'AIME BOIRE ____________. (LE VIN!)

-Give Lotto cards - Fill out.
-FROMAGE - Friday??...get yr cheese on...

MAKE SURE YOUR RECIPE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY MOM/DAD! - also, if you change your mind over the weekend- it's ok...things happen. But DO NOT show up with NOTHING!!!

8th grade:

-Speaking, 5 minutes.
-Check signed progress reports/give them out for absentees and 4th period.
-FIY i.e. = 'id est' - Latin for "That is", or "That is to say"
-Prennez le quiz "AVOIR"
-Révisez en classe.
-If time...begin the famous "NE=DE" - the last thing to learn for this chapter. Phew.
EXAMEN: LUNDI!!!! Unité 4 (Study your vocabulary sheets and grammar...mainly AVOIR, and adjective agreement)


Anonymous said...

ms.B its yasmine 8th period,
im changing my recipe to chocolate bouchons...and i was wondering how many kids are in are class?

La petite lapine (the little rabbit): said...

OUI, absolument!!!

- miss b xoxo

Anonymous said...

Ms.B its Ashley from 8th period and i am cooking apple tart and i was just wondering what Calvados are? even though i dont need them i was just wondering what they were!!

Anonymous said...

how many kids are in period 8?

Anonymous said...

Im making french raspberry macaroons for the cooking thing monday.

-Emily Patzner 8th period :)

La petite lapine (the little rabbit): said...


I believe there are 27 of us in 8th period!

But you don't necessarily need to make one for everyone. That's a lot of cookinG!